To Percy’s slight surprise, when he first brought Audrey to meet - TopicsExpress


To Percy’s slight surprise, when he first brought Audrey to meet his family, they all adored her instantly. Most for the fact that she was a kind person, George enjoyed her because -unlike Percy- she had a wicked sense of humour, and Harry, Hermione and Arthur especially liked her because she was a muggle. Dont get it wrong, Harry and Hermione loved Mr Weasley but they did get tired of his endless questions about muggle artefacts. Audrey, on the other hand, found it charming, and so much to the relief of Harry and Hermione, Arthur began directing his questions onto Audrey. It got so bad that every family dinner, he would force Audrey to sit beside him. One day Molly had had enough and shouted, Arthur, you leave that poor girl alone and let her eat! Her husband looked sheepish but Audrey just laughed. Its okay, Mrs Weasley. I dont mind, she said before turning back to Arthur. I’ll make you a deal Mr Weasley, I’ll tell you all you want to know about muggles if you tell me everything I want to know about magic. Percy never gives away anything. She found this group as fascinating as they found her. Harry and Hermione grinned at one another, Molly frowned but Arthur couldnt have looked anymore excited if you told him how aeroplanes stay up. There is NO way you can get rid of this girl now, Perce, Charlie chuckled as Arthur nodded his head earnestly in agreement. If you dont lose her to Dad, that is. Percy’s face flushed. So Audrey, Arthur began, his eyes shining brightly. I have asked this before but I never seem to get an answer..What exactly is the function of a rubber duck? Audrey’s words were drowned out by collective sighs and groans from around the table. ~ Ebony who hopes this makes a bit of sense but her flu has probably made her slightly delirious.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:51:58 +0000

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