Today: The trouble with Scarcity... The trouble with Scarcity - TopicsExpress


Today: The trouble with Scarcity... The trouble with Scarcity is that she lassos you into a state of Limitation regarding just about everything. You begin to believe there cannoteverpossibly be enough to fufill you. Although you tackle fulfilling your desires one by one, Scarcity limits your fulfillment across the board so that everything becomes nothing more than a trade-off. The end result? You believe you are never worthy of anything other than a close second to the real deal. Scarcity convinces you this is so. This is not so. At all. It’s just that Scarcity is goooooood at this. She is highly skilled at opening funhouse doors. Her lasso is made of fear. She is Panic’s lover. Their elixer is a blend of Neediness and Comparison. She gleefly dances on the edge with Liar. And, of course, they all reside in the premier studio apartment known as YOUR HEAD. So every time you have the opportunity to fulfill a desire you run a cost-benefit anaylsis and Scarcity convinces you that said fulfillment is beyond you. She whispers, “Aim lower.” “Aim lower.” “Aim lower.” As you aim lower, you lower yourself, unable to find the worshipable parts of your being, unable to celebrate the unlimited worth and value and potential and PROMISE you embody. The end result of that is an unwillingness to invest in the very things that will empower you to manifest your desires. So you stay in this place of disbelief in yourself. Which is a very dangerous place to house the goodness that is you. Aim higher. Aim higher. Aim higher. As you aim higher you lift yourself above the treetops enough to see that a/you can lift yourself above the anything b/you are responsible for your own fulfillment c/you are worthy of anything you desire. In fact, it is sometimes your desires that are not worthy of you (circle back and aim higher when that is the case). This is what it is to recognize that you are a slice of the divine. That your life not about holding hands with Scarcity, but instead, tangoing wildly with Abundance. Doesnt that sound slightly more fun?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:52:21 +0000

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