Today in 2012 was the last time I saw a special friend. It was on - TopicsExpress


Today in 2012 was the last time I saw a special friend. It was on a Sunday and I was to attend a Dinner Meeting at Ladi Kwali Hall of the Sheraton Hotels Abuja. I woke up that morning and attended a Deeper Life Bible Church at Brick City Estate Kubwa Express and hurried off to see my Uncle who stays at Maraba. I had to leave my uncles house in a haste so that I can quickly rush back to Kubwa and get dressed for my Dinner Meeting in Sheraton. I was excited. Not because it was my first time to visit Sheraton Hotel Abuja but that I was to see someone special before I attend my meeting. Although Sheraton Hotel Abuja is old school to me now. maybe because there is no other better venue that can accommodate my Noble Institute. Thanks to Dim Emeka Obasi, I dont think there is any restaurant I have not had a meal in Sheraton. ****Boasting Things***! I rushed out of Brick City Estate in a rush with my borrowed black suit (did I borrow this one? I think it should be Obialor Emmanuel Okoronkwos suit or one of my very old black suit) and my carton colour chinos trousers. I had a white shirt on and felt very cool with myself. I called Dr Udo Chibueze who had been in Abuja for a while then and I asked him to meet me at Wuze zone 1. I took a bus from Kubwa express to Berger and then called a cab (drop) to convey me to Wuze zone 1. Gondo Street was very easy to locate because my very special friend had carefully typed the description of where she stays and sent to me via sms. I didnt need to call her until I got to the Eye Clinic opposite her compound. My very special friend is so detailed as to every detail. she carefully observed all the right turns and left turns in Wuze zone 1 that led to her house. I saw her last in 2007 abi 2008 back then in University of Nigeria. I loved her with the love of the Lord. Infact I loved her!!! I also feared her!!! Yes!! I was afraid of her not because she was dangerous but because she was fire!! She worked with me back then in CASOR INFOMEDIA and CASOR VOICE OF LIBERTY(CVL). Although the prayer days were important for the units we both work together, I still didnt really feel belonged most times. Why??? I was intimidated by her prayer life and I felt just inadequate to face her in matters of spiritual exercise. I dare not soil my hands with secret sins and go to prayer meetings with her. Its as if she is seeing right through my heart. I used to have this confidence that I am sure that three people are praying for me in this world: My mother, Adaeze Ezeabazirim and my very special friend. Mummy Easter of former ABF had once asked me why dont I want to marry this my very special friend? Hahahahahahaahaa. Of course she had very many admirers and close pals like Chibueze Ngozi. Her tongues? Mehn!!! They were like sweet sugar. I loved to hear her speak. I had before then doubted many tongue speakers because of my background in Deeper Life. For Christs sake you dont teach tongues!!! The Holy Spirit should give UTTERANCE. Dont tell me to speak in tongues!!! Allow me to flow naturally in the Spirit and dont compare me to do so (I know I have created controversy here). So in fellowship I dont just listen when a man/woman on the pulpit tells me to pray in the spirit. There is no special time to pray in the spirit. Always be in the spirit and speak in tongues if the spirit gives you utterance. But, on this fateful day at victory ground in UNEC, I was praying with her and some other few people and she said we should pray in the spirit. I began to pray in the spirit!!! Maybe i didnt really know what was happening! Or I just began to speak whatever came to my mouth! Or I just had to play along! But one sure fact was that from that day I had not stopped speaking in the language only the Holy Spirit understands but you still cant compare me to do so. I remember in 2009 I had also indicated that I want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit at the conclusion of my Believers class training in RCCG Jesus House Port Harcourt. I wasnt sure I had it even though I have been speaking in tongues. Or maybe I had lost it because I see no power in me. Maybe that was why I doubted all the tongue speakers back then on campus because I didnt see any manifestation following the tongues. And You shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem and in Judea and in the uttermost part of the worldActs 1:8. This scripture is always on my mind. I even typed it without looking at the bible and I am not sure if the passage quoted is correct. But the fact here is that the tongues should go with signs following and these signs can only come through the manifestation of the power of God. this power is exercised on the field of soul winning. Sorry for my long digression. The point here is that this my special friend made a lot of impact in my spiritual life. I got to her house that fateful afternoon on April 1st, 2012 and she was all smiles to receive me. My love hahahahahahaha, we both laughed. We normally tease ourselves with this whenever we call after a long time of no-call. Not too long Dr Udo arrived the venue following the sms I forwarded to him. No calls until he got there. Dr Udo and my very special friend were very delighted to see each other. You didnt tell me I was coming to her house. You didnt tell me you invited him here. Both of you have been in Abuja all these while and you have not seen each other. I didnt know she is back to the country. We exchanged CASOR UNEC Pleasantries and old time talks. It was time to go for my Sheraton Dinner hosted by the FGC Okigwe old students association in honour of Professor Amselem Odinkalu as he was appointed Chairman Human Rights Commission of Nigeria by Mr. President. We teased my special friend that we are not sure she is still the prayer warrior that we used to know. She laughed and then as we were about to go, she called us back for a word of prayer. We were so happy and she prayed passionately for us. I didnt know that it was her last prayers for me and the last time I would see her in history!!! Was that why I made serious effort to see her that day??? Hmmmmm.....April 1st, 2012 just came to mind! The next time I saw her was in June 3rd, 2012 in a manifest of a Crashed Airline. RIP Lovely friend!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:33:35 +0000

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