Today is Black Friday in the United States. This is the day that - TopicsExpress


Today is Black Friday in the United States. This is the day that many many people rush out to the stores and malls all over our nation in a shopping frenzy. Merchants advertize and lower prices on some items in an effort to lure the shoppers into their stores. Lots of stores will be crowded. Parking lots will be filled. Just finding a place to park your car can be an ordeal. Bargains are to be had for the smart shopper. Some few dedicated people will complete their Christmas shopping today. Others will fill their automobiles with things for themselves or their families. For years (a couple of a hundred at least) there have been complaints that Christmas has been over commercialized. It seems to many that the real meaning of Christmas has been neglected in favor of commerce. On the other hand there are those who argue that gift giving stems from God giving His Son for the world. In other word’s God started it all. That’s an argument for another day. I am not one who enjoys the crowds and clamoring of Black Friday. At the same time I am not one to criticize those who do. Go and have a wonderful time. Just do not ask me to join you. Many people who tie their happiness to the acquiring of “things” will not be happy at the end of today. They will have more things when today is over. And many of those things are gifts to give to others, many of whom do not really need anything. I am not against Black Friday. I am not criticizing anyone who enjoys shopping. Everyone who shops today is not greedy. No. But the words of Jesus echo in my ear today where he said “. . . BEWARE! GUARD AGAINST EVERY KIND OF GREED. LIFE IS NOT MEASURED BY HOW MUCH YOU OWN.” (Luke 12:15 NLT) If you enjoy shopping, I pray you have a great day. If you are like me avoid the crowds if you can. But let’s all, in this great and prosperous nation, remember that our true happiness comes from knowing God and having a personal relationship with Him. Both of those things are made possible only because the Son of God became a man, was born in Bethlehem to a virgin and lived among us. He lived a sinless life and died a horrible death to pay for our sins. In the busyness and excitement of today, however you spend your day, let’s honor our Lord in everything we do.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:25:47 +0000

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