Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) and we are also - TopicsExpress


Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) and we are also celebrating the National Bible Sunday Readings: *Jon 3:1-5.10 *1 Cor 7:29-31 *Mk 1:14-20 Theme: THE CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP Jesus Christ was the missionary of the Gospel par excellence sent by the Father to preach the Good News of the Kingdom, he accomplished his mission with perfect faithfulness, making the Kingdom he preached present in his person and in his actions. But since his mission was limited in space and time, while the Kingdom was to be proclaimed to all nations, he called others to share in his mission and to continue it after his ascension. Today we hear the account of the call of the first special disciples who would become apostles. Since then, Christ has not stopped calling innumerable others to share in his mission to be HERALDS AND BUILDERS OF GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH. And generous souls, like fishermen on the lakeshore of Gennesareth, continue to answer his calls. They leave behind every other aspiration and dream, in order to be other aspiration and dream, in order to be the ambassadors of the eternal King. Reflection on the Theme: There are moments in life when something unexpected happens which makes all the difference. It may happen TO US. It may happen IN US. These are events which change the course of our life, often in a radical manner. Such was the case of the four fishermen: Simon and Andrew, James and John, the borders of whose world coincided with the area of the Lake of Galilee, until the day they met Jesus. Come after me! said he. And immediately they abandoned their boats, their nets, their crew, their relatives. . . and become his followers. (See Mk 1:17-18.20) That was quite an unexpected invitation, followed by a prompt response -- an immediate departure for an unknown destination, pursuing the fulfillment of a promise, whose meaning the four fishermen would understand only after years. . . The result: four hearts set aflame; four lives, which would never be the same again. What impelled Simon, Andrew, James and John to leave everything behind and follow Jesus? There was his promise, of course - the promise to be made fishers of men. (See Mk 1:17.) An intriguing prospect, whatever those words could mean. But what moved those four fishermen to be so radical in their response was the fascination of the personality of the one who had called them: JESUS. Their hearts had been conquered by him. It was like falling in love, when everybody else in the world seems to vanish from sight or become unattractive, and all remains and counts is just the beloved. Ever since the days of Jesus, the world has become like a vast Sea of Galilee, teeming with numberless people busy with so many things. JESUS PASSES BY, a man among men, but with a heart that loves the way God alone does. HE MAY CHANCE UPON US AND PRONOUNCE OUR NAME THE WAY NO MERE MAN CAN DO. When that happens, we should remember the four fishermen from Galilee and what they were called to do: Follow me! There was a wide world to be brought back to God both at the time of Jonah and at the time of Christ. That is why the Lord chose and sent people to be instrument of salvation for their brethren. THERE IS AN EVEN WIDER WORLD TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO GOD IN OUR DAYS. And He keeps calling and sending people to preach conversion and implant the Kingdom in the hearts of individual and civilizations. THE MISSION IS TOUGH AND THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS, FOR THE HEART OF MAN CAN ALWAYS REJECT THE CALL TO CONVERSION. But in all cases, the first ones who have to undergo a thorough conversion are those who are chosen for our mission. Every call implies a pressing invitation to turn away from earthly interests and even from oneself, and to open ones heart to God and neighbor. EVERY CALL IMPLIES A BREAK WITH THE PAST AND A SETTING OUT FOR A FUTURE STILL TO BE CREATED. The call requires the readiness and determination to follow the Caller in paths usually unknown and often strewn with obstacles of every kind. But for those who heed the call promptly, no detachment is too painful, no obstacle too big, for they are not alone. Christ, the caller, is with them, filling their hearts and lives with the warmth of his presence, the light of his vision, and his reassuring words, DONT BE AFRAID! I HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD! (Jn 16:33). A LIFE OF DISCIPLESHIP CAN BE FULFILLING TO THE UTMOST IF WE FOLLOW THE TEACHER CLOSELY, WITHOUT NOSTALGIA FOR WHAT WE LEFT BEHIND, AND WITH THE EAGERNESS TO BE BEARERS OF HIS MESSAGE OF SALVATION WHEREVER HE MAY SEND US. © EXPLORING GODS WORD book by the WORD & LIFE PUBLICATION
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:36:24 +0000

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