Today our baby GIRL is 30 weeks and 1 day old!! Only 69 days to - TopicsExpress


Today our baby GIRL is 30 weeks and 1 day old!! Only 69 days to go..... Ahhh, my little poppyseed! You are growing up so fast! The size of a winter squash now to be exact! That miniscule collection of cells is now my baby girl!! Will this ever sink in?? So, lets jump straight to it! Last week I arranged for the car seats to be installed! And, as of today, they are in and ready to go! We had a great man who came out to the house which was so convenient! Some people said we shouldnt have put the seats in so early (do the other parental opinions start even before the baby is born these days?? Were going to have to get used to that! Yikes! ), but we always wanted to be well prepared so we could just enjoy the last few weeks together as a couple! Theres now no mad dash to get everything done at the last minute, and we can simply nest, relax and wait with excitement with no distractions! Life is so full of happiness right now- we are savoring these last few weeks of being a twosome with delight! One thing that IS coming up soon too is our next scan at 32 weeks! Will Chelseas placenta have moved up? More than likely yes! I just cant wait to see my baby girl again! I miss her!! Shes been kicking up a storm the last few days and I LOVE it! There are moments where I can feel her little foot or fist right under Chelseas skin and I give her some gentle pokes to get her to move! She always does lately, as it to say Mum, back off and quit poking me! Im trying to sleep!! Something that was lovely too was that my mum felt her kick the other day! First time! This is her first grandchild so she loved it! She prides herself on being a special Nanna, as she calls herself, because our little one has two mummies! Mum adores Chels and theres never been any funny feelings that she would love this grand child any less because Im not carrying! We really are so blessed!! We went grocery shopping yesterday and I got some GAIA baby body wash (for when she needs it), thanks to many of your recommendations! I want to get some of their massage oil too!! Little baby massages! How divine!! Other things Ive gotten recently are some sudocream (there are many nappy creams on the market- this is just what Im used to with the kids I work for and what weve chosen to use), paw paw ointment, bonjela (for teething), cotton pads to clean umbilical cord site, maternity pads, nursing pads.....just gathering a little stash of things that we will need eventually! Buying something every week has helped so much!! We have literally spread the cost out over nearly 30 weeks which hasnt caused such a dent in our bank account!! Remember when I thought I could store everything in that one hamper we had!?? Yeah, that was filled by week 6 I think! Hehe! Anyway friends, Ill sign off for now! Im off to bath the dogs actually!! Time to get drenched! Joy! LOL! Hope youre all having a wonderful day! We are still on cloud nine as always and cant wait for these next 10 weeks or so to speed (or drag) by! Again, your support is one of a kind!! Thank you for your ongoing interest and love!! Youre the best!! xox
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:31:43 +0000

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