~ Todays Horoscopes 5th November ~ Aries ~ Giving It Some - TopicsExpress


~ Todays Horoscopes 5th November ~ Aries ~ Giving It Some Thought You may feel overwhelmed by your emotions today and be prone to taking offense where no offense was intended. An acute susceptibility to critical words or thoughtless deeds can make it difficult for you to interact normally with your colleagues, peers, and loved ones. Your sensitive mood can also cause you to react strongly when you are confronted with the intense emotions of others. You may feel empathetic and thus experience a very real distressing reaction when you encounter people who are hurt, angry, or depressed. Today might be a good time to take part of the day off, or even the whole day if you can manage, in order to relax in the comfort of a personal sanctuary. If that is impossible, you may find relief in letting your rational self guide you as you progress through the day. When you choose not to react emotionally to what others do or say, you can move through life without being impaired by your sensitivity. Taking what we see and hear personally can be emotionally exhausting because, in doing so, we assume that everyone around us is being driven by nefarious purposes. Assessing people’s motives in a rational way can help you determine whether a situation or incident warrants an emotional reaction or could be best dealt with logically and practically. You’ll have more mental energy to devote to your own concerns when you aren’t focused on how others are acting. No one person will get in the way of your quest for inner peace. Tempering your emotional reactions with rational thought today will help you function unscathed at home and work. Taurus ~ Reservoirs of Boldness You may feel nervous today when called upon to undertake a new duty at work or interact with unfamiliar individuals in your personal life. Though you may interpret this timidity as intuition and an excuse to retreat into solitude, it may actually be a manifestation of your fear of the unknown. You can ease your feelings of anxiety and shyness by doing precisely what frightens you—namely, trying something new. Consider that there are many activities you have never tried that intrigue you. Before you allow your apprehensions to prevent you from taking advantage of positive opportunities, simply immerse yourself in a course of study or take up a new hobby. The minor triumphs you enjoy today can pave the way for larger feats of boldness and extroversion. Often, the simplest way to combat timidity is to challenge ourselves by trying something new. Insecurity is most potent when we are facing the prospect of having to move beyond the familiar borders of our comfort zones. By immersing ourselves in a new activity or discipline—one involving little risk and pleasant rewards—we prove to ourselves that we are capable of bravely and successfully confronting the unknown. The feelings of insecurity that might once have paralyzed our will when faced with unexpected circumstances are staunched as we reap the benefits of our efforts. As we come to understand our innate inner strength, we can channel it into boldness whenever the need arises. When you challenge yourself today, the anxiety you experience in the face of the unknown will vanish. Gemini ~ Freedom of Being You may find yourself wanting to explore different types of relationships today. You could be in an unconventional and highly curious mood. Perhaps you’d like to make new friends, become closer to seldom-seen family members, or develop new kinds of connections with friends. Your openness and inquisitiveness could give you a greater sense of freedom and make you feel as if you have more control over your destiny. Consider how you can best use your desire for personal freedom to explore alternative ways of being. You may discover that a shift in attitude or attention opens the doors of opportunity in many areas of your life. Exploring a diverse range of lifestyles can help you attain a sense of personal liberty that frees you from society’s dictates. As you discover more about the world, you also discover more about yourself and your individuality. The wisdom you gain through exploration and experimentation gives you a unique perspective from which to determine the validity of one path versus another. You have access to a wider variety of options and can look objectively upon the roles you once fulfilled as a matter of course. You can also choose to be as conventional or unconventional as it suits you. When you explore new ways of being today, you will feel liberated from your old roles and eager to explore new ones. Cancer~ Motivation in Vision Your dreams can energize and excite you today, yet your enthusiasm may be short-lived if your ambition lacks direction. The projects currently occupying space on your agenda are likely those assigned to you by others, in your workplace and at home. Thus, you may not feel passionate about any of the duties you are called upon to address each day. In order to restore your zest for work and play, you may need to visualize not only the main details of your goals but also the path you will take to achieve them. Envisioning yourself striving for a specific aim can enflame your creative mind and rekindle your personal power. You’ll likely begin to exert a greater influence over your life’s direction today when you have mapped out a practical plan of achievement. Our ability to decisively choose a path can determine whether we are capable of attaining our ambitions because the font of willpower is fed by our focused resolve. Too often, people set nebulous goals that don’t lend themselves to directed passion and, as a result, have difficulty applying themselves to goal-oriented tasks. When we approach our aims with enthusiasm grounded in pragmatism, the actions we must take and the decisions we must make in order to achieve success become clear. We consistently know what lies ahead and consequently are never discouraged by confusion or frustration. Unexpected contingencies simply strengthen our individual resolutions. Your concentration will never falter today when you have clearly envisioned the path you will take to success. Leo ~ Defending Equality Should you find yourself in a situation where the honor of a peer, colleague, family, or friend is called into question today, you will likely respond by supporting their rights. You may feel compelled to defend the liberties of individuals in your home, workplace, community, and world. Even those people whose beliefs, opinions, and lifestyles differ from your own will likely find themselves under the auspices of your protection. You may recognize the importance of the brotherhood of humanity and want to protect it by doing all you can to ensure that all human beings are free to live ethical, happy, and productive lives. You’ll likely respond to injustice today with concentrated displays of activism and expressions of serene tolerance. As you defend the rights of others, you ensure that justice, as well as freedom, are preserved and that aid will be forthcoming should you find that your liberties are being suppressed. When we endeavor to create a culture in which all people are free to believe what they like and express themselves as they see fit, we protect our own rights as we stand up for the rights of others. Your inclusive and ethical stand can inspire others to consider freedom as its own concept. You will become part of a movement to unify humanity through the shared responsibility of protecting equality. Should you then need others to defend your rights, help will be forthcoming. When you endeavor to ensure that all people are free to think and feel as they wish today, you will guarantee your own freedoms in the process. Virgo ~ Living in Awe A passion for life may well up within you today as you look about you and see, as if for the first time, the wonders life has to offer. You may feel strongly sensual and experience a desire to taste new foods, immerse yourself in good books, or go on adventures. This intensity of feeling can inspire you to explore your world with gusto. You may find that you are powerfully drawn to certain activities or knowledge. You can make the most of your passionate feelings by giving in to your whims and learning about unfamiliar cultures. There may also be much you can learn about your profession, family, or heritage today, if you approach the search for information in a passionate and enthusiastic manner. Your passion for life can expand the boundaries of your perception and help you enjoy living with a renewed intensity. Our minds can get lost in the monotony of day-to-day life, causing us to forget everything that once excited and aroused us. When you allow your passionate nature to express itself, you’ll begin to see the world in an entirely new way. You’ll find joys in life’s small pleasures as well as in your ability to conquer the challenges the universe puts in your path. Passion will inspire you to try activities you’ve never before tried and immerse yourself in a quest for knowledge. You’ll feel compelled to not only learn about the world but to revel in its many wonders today when you live your passions. Libra ~ Knowing Lasting Love You may feel love’s heady influence as you interact with others today, and you may be more likely to have warm feelings for others. A simple gift, kind word, or affectionate gesture from an associate or acquaintance could stir loving feelings within your soul. As you move through your day, consider whether those feelings are simply based upon your delight or if they are indicative of your true admiration and regard. If you decide that you are relating to the real person and that your emotions are a reflection of how much you care for them today, you may want to cement your new connection by earnestly expressing your feelings in words or by presenting them with a token of esteem. Loving others for the wonderful qualities they possess rather than how they make you feel can ensure that your emotions are enduring ones. It’s easy to feel affection for those who have cared for you, praised you, or given you gifts. Love that lasts, however, will always be the result of your appreciation for your loved ones’ real qualities. When you love others for who they truly are, your feelings for them do not waver when they show their faults or when they act less than lovingly toward you. Their imperfections are a part of who they are, and you are able to love them through good times and bad. Choose to love others today for who they are, and you will strengthen your bonds and create authentic relationships. Scorpio ~ Ripples of Generosity A sincere desire to help others can motivate you to seek out opportunities to work with charitable organizations and directly with those in need today. You may feel genuinely concerned about the welfare of those who suffer from hunger, poverty, or lack of individual security, and be driven to contribute your time, energy, and financial resources to bringing about positive change. Your heartfelt willingness to put aside your own needs in order to help others can give you the strength to make the necessary sacrifices. You’ll likely be overjoyed to spend your free time mentoring people in need or contributing your skills to large philanthropic endeavors. Today may be the day you make charity a larger part of your existence and find an avocation that truly moves you. The sincerity with which we offer our assistance to those less fortunate than ourselves is a recognizable and unmistakable hallmark of the sympathy and concern we feel for others. People have little cause to doubt the motives of individuals who approach charity with open hands and open hearts. Those who benefit from our freely given generosity will look upon our gifts with gratitude rather than suspicion, confident that the support we’ve provided was bestowed in the spirit of selflessness. We inspire the people who benefit from our philanthropic contributions, creating a network of unaffected and honest giving that spreads outward like ripples in a still pond. Your sincere desire to help people in need will be evident in your willingness to labor on behalf of others today. Sagittarius ~An Invitation to Play A desire to be loved or meet new friends could make you feel playful and loquacious today. Should you find yourself in a group, you may be perceived as the lighthearted, mischievous one, as you tease and share jokes with the people around you. You may discover that your humor is appreciated and tends to draw people to you. You can make the most of your good mood by taking part in a group activity in your community or gathering your friends and family around you for an evening of games and fun. Whomever you choose to spend your time with will no doubt find their hearts lightened by your playful antics. However, as you laugh and tell tall tales today, try to let others in on the fun lest your playfulness become overwhelming. A playful mood can attract scores of interesting people to your side. Many people find they have few opportunities to engage in play, swamped as they are with obligations. When you exhibit playfulness, you draw these people out of the narrow corridors of their daily routines and wordlessly invite them to take part in your fun. Adopting a playful air can help you make new friends as strangers wonder at your happiness and give you a pretext to spend time with loved ones. While play may take on many forms, individuals in all parts of your life will respond, often with an invitation to take part in a game or activity. The playful mood you’re in today can help you meet new people and capture the attention of your loved ones. Capricorn ~ A Place to Recover A sense of your vulnerability could make you feel anxious in social situations today. You may be experiencing a barrage of intense emotions that confuse you and muddle your thinking. Indulging your desire to retreat into the comforting embrace of your home or other personal space could help you find peace and allow you to relieve the stress you feel. The tension left behind by recent pressures and difficulties you’ve faced will likely melt away as you engage in activities you enjoy and spend time in the company of your innermost thoughts. This can be a wonderful time to immerse yourself in solitude and to reflect upon ways that you can avoid burning yourself out. You’ll likely find a peace of mind today that recharges you for the challenges to come. When worldly pressures become too much to bear, escaping into the tranquility of a personal sanctuary can help you restore your balance and peace of mind. The demands we face each day can make us feel overwhelmed and exhausted, yet we’re often driven to keep going at all costs. A desire or need to retreat is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign that you know your limits. Remember that rest is an important part of staying healthy and grounded. A quiet and private spot, whether in your home or elsewhere, can provide you with the stillness and serenity you need to recover and ready yourself for another round of obligations. Retreating into a comforting, quiet place today will give you an opportunity to recover from lingering stress and rejuvenate your soul. Aquarius ~ In Touch with Love Your thoughts may seem erratic and undisciplined today, jumping from topic to topic without warning. Yet this abundance of mental activity may simply be the result of your feeling driven by your own happiness to reflect upon positive information recently shared by the important people in your life. If a friend or relative has recently communicated stimulating news, you may unwittingly become hyper, energized by your positive feelings. You can channel this profusion of upbeat energy into affection easily by passing it on to those individuals who will likely be pleased to hear it. As you derive pleasure from the positive elements in your loved ones’ lives today, you will likely feel closer than ever to those people with whom you seldom spend time. Keeping up with the major details of the lives of the people we care about allows us to share in their experiences, even when we are prevented from regularly reconnecting by the fickle finger of fate. Simply staying in touch with our loved ones remotely ensures that our bonds remain strong through long periods during which we cannot enjoy each others’ company. Just a few thoughts and feelings communicated via telephone or e-mail preserve the connection forged when our situations allowed us to spend time with one another. Though we cannot share every aspect of the lives of far-flung loved ones, we can nonetheless nurture the closeness that is important to both of us. As you reach out to the people you care for today, you will do your part to ensure your relationships continue to thrive. Pisces ~ An Exploration of Risk You will likely feel secure today and certain of your ability to handle any catastrophe or difficulties that might befall you. Additionally, you are likely feeling abundant and financially stable. Since you no longer need to focus a large portion of your attention on mundane survival matters, you may now find yourself bravely investigating a world of calculated personal risks, career changes, financial as well as emotional investments, and unfamiliar activities. As you extend the boundaries of your comfort zone, you will likely concentrate on the potential rewards of all the prospects you consider rather than the perils that are often an element of the unknown. You may discover your true calling or your soul’s purpose today as you explore the possibilities. When your existence is marked by a sense of security, you’ll be more apt to explore the opportunities available to you. Often, we shy away from calculated risks because we are unsure whether we have the means to cope with failure should success not be forthcoming. It is only when mundane survival matters no longer represent a source of anxiety in our lives that we are empowered to look upon the future optimistically and ambitiously. The more secure you feel in your day-to-day life, the more apt you’ll be to move beyond your comfort zone when pursuing your goals. Your ability to recognize the paths that lead toward success won’t be compromised by worry. As you grow more and more secure today, you will find yourself increasingly drawn to the curiosities of the unknown. Have a magical day!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:24:30 +0000

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