Todays Overall Horoscope Summary... Today’s energy is a big - TopicsExpress


Todays Overall Horoscope Summary... Today’s energy is a big culmination of the Sun, Mercury (retro), Saturn and the Node’s force. What does that mean? Basically this can be a huge “shit or get off the pot” kind of day. Essentially, we’ve got things we’ve been saying lately about things in our lives, airing our usual grievances or things we’d love to change if only we had the balls or the power. But up until now, it can all just be talk. Today’s energy can put us in a position where we can actually say such things, and get the message across to those who we wish to hear it. Now does this mean everything is going to be all sunshine and roses? No, it’s probably going to be rough given the planets involved. But maybe it’s what is really needed to get certain wheels turning. Maybe the things you have to say today are the kick in the ass others need to take care of business on their ends. While the overall circumstances that lead us there can be challenging, the end destinations can be worth the effort and stress. So make a decision in your life. Are you going to remain content just complaining about things? Or are you willing to put yourself on the line because you really need to see some changes made? That’s the crux of the current energy. Best of luck. Bud via weeklyhoroscope/horoscopes/daily-scorpio.php
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:14:05 +0000

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