Together, you are strong. The cabal controls everything: food, - TopicsExpress


Together, you are strong. The cabal controls everything: food, water, air, and the weather. But your souls are still FREE. So go into your hearts and souls. Then you will find the strength to prevent what the cabal has in store for you. They are not human, as you are. They are arch manipulators of minds and they can appear as anything they wish. Since I passed to spirit, I constantly remind you that NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. This is so important for you to remember. You have trusted the wrong people and you have suffered for it. The Vatican is now trying to survive as the rats leave the sinking ship. It is being exposed as the seat of evil that secretly controls your world. This is the game it plays; creating many religions and causing wars which destroy the lives of innocent children. It does this by creating FEAR. Now, it is itself in fear, as it fights for its existence. They, too, find themselves exposed and vulnerable. The light has to expose all the darkness so that you can be free. The light of truth is spreading her wings across your world. Country after country is waking up and seeing what is being done to keep you docile and in control. When you fully understand that when you stand together as one humanity – all one – with no divisions of class, state or religion, then you will be free, as in ancient times. This was before Rome set out to create the empire in which you now live (though they do not admit that this is what they have done). The God they serve, bears no resemblance to the God of Love, who now awaits you. You have been cruelly deceived by those you trusted. Those who preach hell, fire and damnation, are lying to you. It is all part of the plot to keep you in fear and under control.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 10:41:53 +0000

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