Tomorrow is Athlete’s Choice Day (ACD) Think of a movement or - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is Athlete’s Choice Day (ACD) Think of a movement or movements you’d like to work on or build up to. For example: I want to work on my snatch technique; I would like I practice my S2OH at Rx (135/95#; I would like to move up from a 53#/36# kettle bell swing to a 70#/53#) etc. Think of other areas of improvement such as rep schemes or durations. For example: I’m weak at short-heavy WODs; I need to work on longer WODs at moderate weight, etc. This is also a great opportunity to force yourself to build on your unbroken reps for weaker movements. For example: I can currently do 3 unbroken pull-ups and would like to do a WOD that calls for 4 unbroken pull-ups to try and force me to get that one extra unbroken rep; I can currently string together 8 unbroken double unders, maybe I’ll try a wod with 10 double unders and see if I can do it. ACD is a great way to get out of your comfort zone, including trying out a benchmark wod you’ve never done before. The context of Athlete’s Choice Day is this: improvement take intentional practice. While you’re encouraged to practice and incorporate skill and drill work on your own, we understand not everyone has the time or motivation so here’s your opportunity!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:37:29 +0000

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