Tonight is a very heart breaking night for two mommas. Momma - TopicsExpress


Tonight is a very heart breaking night for two mommas. Momma Jackie and Momma Jean had to make a painful choice for Precious Bunny and her puppy. Bunny try as she did could not safely nurse her angel baby.. Bunny being inbred herself had deformed milk bags and nipples. Some were under developed and some were inverted, she only had two that were usable but those two were enveloped between deformed milk bags that I had to separate to place an already frail puppy on. We gave it our best. But the puppy just wasnt getting enough nutrients and was becoming even more weak. So to give it a chance to live. We had to make the heart breaking choice to take her last remaining baby from her. Its the last thing in the world we want to do. But sometimes we have to make this kind of decision for the safety of the mom and pup. Bunny sensed the puppy was struggling so would cry and fuss over it as it tried to nurse. I guess the hardest part of it all is not being able to exsplain to her why we took her baby. Please Spay and neuter your pets! No innocent animal should have to be put through losing their babies because of selfish , ignorant pet owners! Shell be ok in a day or two. And in the mean time. I will just sit and hold and comfort her. As for her baby. She will get the upmost care with Momma Ronda who like momma Terri specializes in special need and frail puppies. Please say a pray of comfort for our beloved Bunny tonight . She is now snuggled in my lap sleeping. Probably the most relaxed shes been since she had the puppies. She no longer has to fret and worry over a weak frail baby.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:18:15 +0000

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