Tonight is the Full Moon, known as the Blood Moon because between - TopicsExpress


Tonight is the Full Moon, known as the Blood Moon because between now and Samhain/Halloween was the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. Poorer families would use the brightness of this full Moon to go hunting for their meat. So it became known as the Blood Moon it is also called the Hunters Moon, the Shedding Moon or the Falling Leaf Moon. This full Moon there is also a penumbral lunar eclipse when the Moon will appear much dimmer and redder than normal. The lunar eclipse will be visible to people living in Europe, Africa, the Americas and parts of Asia just before midnight GMT The full Moon is in the sign of Aries, making it all about pent up emotions and balance. The eclipse will also have your emotions reeling and will have you asking yourself are you in the right place you wish to be at this time and questioning your current situation. The Aries Lunar Eclipse requires us to be balanced in our masculine and feminine energies. Masculinity is not better than femininity. femininity is not better than Masculinity. We need a balance of both male and female to be whole. This will bring you towards greater self-expression and freedom. You may feel a strong need to stand up for yourself and speak your truth. Let us remember to give others plenty of room to be who they are and speak their truth too. You are born again in the Aries cleansing fire. Let go of the false self. Embrace who you really are. Be heart-centered. Liberate your mind. This is real freedom. Lunar eclipses (which have a 19 year cycle) signal a completion and an awareness that could change the course of our journey if we let it. The heart may skip a beat as raw emotions surface now and energies are charged up. This is par for the course. Allow anger and agitations to rise up and clear out without jabbing anyone with the energy. You don’t have to allow things to become volatile, instead use these emotions to look inwards on yourself rather than outwards blaming others. Take positive action in advance by being responsible for your emotions and reactions to things. Direct the pent up or stuck emotional energy into organizing, working out or anything that burns off the ‘gunk’ and exhausts you in a good way. This eclipse opens a window until November 3 of a time that supports deep change. The energy of this full moon can be a bit challenging if you are not in alignment with what you need at this time. May you finally get the message and leave the past behind, honoring the experiences by making them conscious and giving them meaning. We are on the threshold of knowing things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, and how our minds are able to recognize signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. This eclipse comes to remind us that who we are is written nowhere but in our own hearts, and it is there we will discover it. This Full Moon, use the energy to heal, healing energies are very strong now, look inside yourself and ask what it is you need to heal your hurt, pain, emotions. Clear your mind of negativity and try to look to a brighter and more positive future in the year ahead, make the decision to make big changes, this Moons energy will help you achieve them. May you have a blessed Full Moon and may the Goddess watch over you.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:51:20 +0000

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