Top 10 reasons why -despite everything- I am still optimistic for - TopicsExpress


Top 10 reasons why -despite everything- I am still optimistic for Lebanon and the region, because... 10. Sunnis are learning -the bloody way- that Sunni extremism is as bad for the Sunni community as for others 9. Israel is learning -the bloody way- that it cannot continue its bloody policy for ever. Military balance has been equilibrating through the successes of guerrilla warfare tactics (hamas and hezbollah) 8. Iran is learning -the $ and bloody way- that it could be more profitable to make peace than war 7. Bachar al Assad has become - the bloody way - largely irrelevant (and thats always better for Lebanon), others decide for him 6. Lebanese Christians (Maronites in particular) are learning - the slow bloody way, but still- that arrogance of their leaders leads no where 5. The - bloody - plight of Christians in Mousul is tragic, but this has led to a resurgence of a Christian Arab political conscience (continuously destroyed in the last 50 years) 4. Despite all, only 20% of the - bloody- Sunni insurgents are ISIS, most fighters are tribe members and other (pro-Saddam) organizations, which can be bought off- the same way ISIS bought their services initially 3. Arabs have a long tradition of - bloody - in-fighting, expect all of the actors in point 4. to destroy each others at some point 2. Redrawing some borders - though a bloody process- is not as bad as many think over the long term 1. After all the blood and darkness, life and sunshine always come back Its still a bloody long way to go, but there is always hope. So stop nagging, and start sharing (this post) and positive vibes. By Jihad Bitar
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:13:24 +0000

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