TransMagus Contineo Nobis Astrolabe Date---Fortnight of - TopicsExpress


TransMagus Contineo Nobis Astrolabe Date---Fortnight of Phosphorous, BLIIGAN Current-- KCHGA Dream with Raphael explaining and Vidnhuack assuming: Enochian Angel Earth Air Earth ARSNI : More Evident Super subtle than Weak Force- Like effects of Super positioning Affecting a field memory- like water using medically molecules that have went Is the level of change that were speaking- Beyond the common transitioning We Saying Unrecognized Wake- conserved but not traced- the topponium gap filled with sense Sense again as a symmetrical justice- Fainter than even Weak Bosons Problem is that both Satan and Buddha have the high will to seduce But the field none-the-less bringing sense to the guess of bulk force that could be grossed on Saturns supposed to keep his brother Mildness From Bride-ing was is to meant for Zeus If Satan gets Bride its animalism, yet Mildness Can turn one dull Guard her from this with two very smart books, not making them verbose tomes Other forces must pull still the Bride that Keeps the Ascension Charged Middle So it must teach, and be incomplete, though involve more than a poem For the books She would feel as if speaking to you- too advanced and she might pass them up And You want two books that serve as computers- teaching her to use her mind Splice with emotional drama- yet too much, madness on the mind sups Say youre at a truck stop diner (level of authors), with a moment for two books to find Having text (no tech. yet) you use formula- but how to stave malware translation! Now she feels precious, you tell her the Horus twin there that she should trust Put her in a gilded reading room while you stave off Setian temptation Its to much mildness so you give Satan back to charge her with the Martian lust By Candle and Music you woo her to use it But Knave Brother Buddha steps in Stops the desire by which one aspires- for Good, Bad and the Magnum Ars And if shes to mild how can one make a child- your cursed with the Laodicean Yet should he not be there the Mock war sets in- she must be Both mild and charged Michael trekking with Satan his brother need more then base sonnets spoken Neither see Chaos as having meaning, nor descriptions in mimes Pandemonium Americium from Curium, Europium Eyes have opened Do not try to measure Chaos predictions- based on superimposed themes There is no real Chaos- no true disorder- although imbalance perhaps To objectify in attempt to contain- by that very process Truths broken Truth Quark is awesome but trying to name it require more thoughts than attracts The Divine Sense were looking for cannot be named, cannot simply be spoken She Cannot be Grokked, only be honored , Hence Philo response to Sophia Even you see the form is unique, if speaking brute talk you wont kiss her By nature Shes Better you Cannot Fetter By attempts to Label ideas To see a Fine Women by her ass of breasts, alone would surely be to miss Her They are just lines holding in form Divine, one above such petty dimension As soon as you try to put a finger on her youll fail by the means you employ For you must engage Her by Her very aims, let Her guide by her invention For should You try to use your invention, your lack will reveal a dumb boy She is out of your league and yet with You you see, You must honor Her with your intention Best to be honest Im a Fool but I like you, will you help me out in this fate Such a desire only finds its fire in listening to what Shed mention The first step is to Know you dont know Her, No description will equal a date Man up to her pleasures she shows them and measures, learning is your only way Even by subtle craft and with balance alas, How does ones hand touch the Sun? If your intentions are pure, your direct but demure, in your darkness you might find her Day The Nigh of the Ars ARSNI is the Charge that cannot simply be done Upon a Door labeled Si8O4 and you know that you will be transformed But Unknowns through the Door- Cross it and your done for, complete transformation in kind Do you run right in or do you edge in slowly; only through this door are you born A sense met Structure with form conducts her. But will leave no way behind Do you Savor what you were before Dieu Coutre do you wait before ends Theres nothing to do but to wait or go through, just the door and no more you are tried Theres no where to go, no other space shows- just the Silicate door way extends Psychology plays finality relays other exists past that side Could you die be no more? All you know of the door is that its all theres left to do Set ups that secret schools never let up- the nature of thresh rites that bind In this space of a pace all you have in the way of whats left of your world and you At this point if you love her you must walk forward, forced to leave all else behind Your offered a key and the price isnt free, in fact its existence at large So my question is this- are you ready right now- to devote to the task I will shew? If you dont accept your left with a dead end, but to go changes all that you are The nature of transformation means you conform to what isnt you [I accept] When you have hid fantasies buried down in your chi projecting in astral mind I ask you to clean out these thoughts once repressed now that theyre clearly seen When coming to Sacred Doors that you open its the first thing a spirit can find Now you have taken a good solid look at the darkest sides of your being We will cross a thresh Hold to connect forces not usually available Dark side located and no longer charged- you can put in disposal to burn And to present you need to know every card that you have upon the table There is the adage to be more than human- I suggest now its your turn Contacting Samael weve gone into your Hell- Seen your unseen nature there Now disinfect the subconscious glitch thats been put away with your tools The thing that you held back since you were a child, dark thoughts that never got air Having found the brake in your dark chewy center where you are unspeakably cruel You know what your capable of let it go- not a whit of this darkness in you For real not repression but as a progression because its the first thing to show Because your mind now will broadcast loud as we get into deeper venues Having first seen what is most unclean now you must let it go You must access your deeper source and drive- and within the honest release Although what shows is your most basal pose- you can change it once you first become it Of everything carnal and buried to harm- your Chthulu the hidden Beast Now you must draw from that deepest point while purging out all the vile from it I cannot bring A beast through this Door- And your lowest is the force that shows But as examined youve seen it for damage- now fix it or youll be rejected If you hold these things you cant drink from this spring, from which the things that you seek flow Pulling up Fire Snake Taps filth in its wake- this is normal and expected Pain held from Eight Snowballs into Hate that forms Vlad the Impaler Now clean it out if you want to continue- in this theres no form for slack Many ignore that they have such a door from fear the forerunner of Failure But you open and looked felt the surge from that nook of life igniting once held back You see with eyes open you know what is broken. Bravo! Suck it up and fix it If it were simple than alchemy would not be synonymous with The Art Your no longer 8, transformation is based on the slowest part of a mix its The catalyst in a chemical formula that speeds up the slowest part Curium of Pandemonium current of the four Servients before Chai, chaya joined Ka Blood and Groin purified for Secret Fire Drawn from Americium which this Servient bars at the Door ARSNI is the classic Guard of the Gate telling you what is required One cant repress or released not address the center of Rage which is Pain But the force that is trained is ever over pain- thats the life beneath the mask Letting it Go, Letting the wounds Show Drawing Basally in your Brain Its not enough to Embrace the Dark Stuff- thats only half of the task ======================================================= Dream Fact Checking Coutre coul·ter ˈkōltər/Submit noun a vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a plowshare. the part of a seed drill that makes the furrow for the seed. Gods Plow Blade Dieu Coutre Superstructured silicate oxysalts Titansilocate nanorods with silicate OxySalts (Si8o4) show incredible self organization Porous titanosilicate nanorods with Si8O4 https://google/search?q=Si8O4+tetrahedra&rlz=1CASMAE_enUS613US614&oq=Si8O4+tetrahedra&aqs=chrome..69i57.921j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 Molar mass of Si8O4 is 288.6816 g/mol Truth didnt seem to apply to particle physics Americium and Curium were called pandemonium and delirium Its hard to make sense of gluon jets of topponium Water Memory and Structured Water (brought to you by consumer marketing) https://youtube/watch?v=YwaNfNcurvQ
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:09:31 +0000

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