Transformation Tuesday: Todays story is one that for some - TopicsExpress


Transformation Tuesday: Todays story is one that for some reason choked me up as I read it. Maybe its because I have known this person since 2008 (I think that was the first year I started coming to Waupun to have my hair done) and I did not know some of the things Tiffany shares with you below. Tiffany started out as my hairdresser (that sounds very old fashioned Tiffany, you might have to teach me the newer 2014 term for your skill) and has become someone that I would without a doubt consider a friend! She has been one that my husband and I have both bounced ideas off of at different times over the past few years and also someone who shared many of the same milestones while Nate and I were sharing them as well. Things like getting engaged, buying a house, planning a wedding, etc...... Tiffany inspires me each time I go in to get my hair done (even thought I am only there a short while) and at different points, as her story will tell you below, we have encouraged each other! Tiffany, you are a wonderful example of a Fit Mom and your kids are truly going to know what healthy is thanks to you and your husband! Keep it up! In her words: Some of you may be surprised that I have a transformation story. Ive often gotten comments like You dont need to worry about what you eat or your so skinny, you dont need to workout My comment back is usually, thanks, but you dont know what it looks like under these clothes. (Followed with a chuckle) Growing up I was always considered average. I was up to a size 12 and sat there for a long time. My mind was set that my weight was just going to be what it was. I played sports though out high school and stayed active that way, but once I graduated I moved away to go to Cosmetology school. I never put fitness into my life. Life went on and I continued to shop for clothes, but never felt the confidence in them I desired. September of 2009, I married my high school sweetheart. At this point, I had picked up walking and occasional workout videos. But yet, never stuck with it. In 2010 we found out we were expecting our 1st baby. The excitement of motherhood took over and I kept myself busy preparing. I started walking our yellow lab everyday rain or shine. I continued the routine even after our Laney was born. I kept at a healthy weight the entire pregnancy, and continued the daily walks with the dog and baby. In February 2012, Laney turned 1. I wanted to keep up with her and there were times I had couldnt? I wanted to feel that confidence in clothing that I knew I could, but always talked my way out of! It was then when I joined a total body fitness class at Club Fitness in Waupun called Strike. It started at 5am and was 2 days a week. That was my only chance to get a workout in alone with our work schedules and I did it! I had others call me crazy, but I didnt let it phase me. I was tired and I literally had my husband kick me out of bed, but I did it. It started to become a routine. A routine I loved! I was hooked and I continued into the month of May. The class hours then changed and I could not make it to the evening times-- So I joined the gym instead. I continued going at 5am and even added extra days each week. It was my morning coffee. I had energy and confidence I never had before. That summer of 2012, I started to run. In the gym, with my dog and stroller outside, or on the treadmill at home. Whatever I had to do to get in some cardio. At this point, I felt and saw the results. There was no turning back. I signed up for my 1st 5k for the upcoming fall. I never was a runner. I had to push myself to do it. But afterwards I felt great and started to enjoy it. It was finally paying off and the results were showing! This was all the craze people talked about?! I lost 4 inches off my waist and was down 3 pants sizes. I continued me routine and added Mandy Perrys Boot Camp 2 mornings a week. Quit the gym and started running with my partner Kayla and our dogs! Soon later found out I was pregnant with our second child and gave this all up for a time period due to morning sickness. It was about then when I joined my sister in one of her stroller workouts in Neenah. I was eager to check it out-- Especially since I could do this with the kids! I new making time was going to get harder with 2 kids now. We started to stretch and soon introduced ourselves and our babies to the other moms. Soon we were walking briskly pushing our strollers and chatting away. We continued through a park, stopping occasionally and doing some different exercises. Again, I was hooked. The next day, I could barely walk because of sore muscles and right then I called my sister and told her I was starting my own “strollers” group in Waupun. Strollerobics (check us out on Facebook and join in the fun!) was started in September 2012 and hasnt stopped yet! I had my 2nd baby June 2013 and was able to continue all the way through. (Thanks to some of the other moms involved). I would say this is now my motivation. This group is wonderful because it’s a time to network with other moms who are working hard to stay in shape and raise a healthy family. I have fallen off the running/gym wagon since 2nd baby but I WILL get there again. Strollers gives me the time to workout with my kids and I feel that it is a great example. It also leaves me feeling good with energy to get through the rest of the day. But remember, It is no walk in the park. Although exercise is still a “newer addition to my life”, now I am also learning and working on food preparation. Cutting out the processed ingredients and trying to make meals as nutritious as can be has been a goal of mine. Using produce and whole grains, substituting, and reading labels has become a necessity. I am still educating myself and my husband every day. It has been a lifestyle change for both of us. I feel that talking to others and sharing these stories can only help us and others. My goal is to raise my children to be healthy and stay active, not only to feel good on the outside, but most importantly for the inside. There is some scary stuff out there, and building good habits is key. My transformation is far from being completed, but I am HAPPY which makes me feel like Im doing something right. Thanks for sharing Tiffany and encouraging others who are wondering if they can find their healthy! ***Please stop over on the Waupun Stollerobics page and check out Tiffany s passion. They meet a few times a week and there is no cost to join. Tiffany has a heart to share fitness with all those she can, so join her and the other ladies and give it a try! She and others also share recipes and fun mom tips on the page, so you will benefit just checking it out! Lastly, I have tried strollers myself and can vouch that its for ANY AND ALL fitness levels and YOU WILL GET A WORKOUT! (No, I did not have a stroller or baby- just went to hang out with the coolest group of moms I have ever met!) See Tiffany in 2009, 2012, and today!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:30:00 +0000

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