Trials and tribulations : Just when everything was going so well I - TopicsExpress


Trials and tribulations : Just when everything was going so well I got news that the hammer tribe is in conflict with the government over a big land grab. So the organization I was going with backed out of everything and Im on my own again. In fact I may have to avoid the area that the whole trip was planned around.I was so disappointed and emotionally drained to the point of tears.Then I thought back about the course of my day, first I saw my 9 year old little buddy still wandering through traffic selling tissues, then I walked over a big bridge and found a homeless man sleeping next to his coffin sized house with an open sewer running underneath him. Tthis made my trails seem pretty small. As I lay awake here in the middle of the night the Holy Spirit reminded me at only through trials do you become strong and if we never experienced sadness or misery how could we ever expect to know joy or happiness? I have paryed extensively over what to do and was also reminded of situation. Ox cart was stuck in in the mud the pioneer fssid, brother Brigham we are stuck in the mud should we pray? Brother Brigham replied we prayed this morning it is time to get out and push. It is time to pick myself up, dust myself off start to push forward again. I know this is the Lords work and he will show me the way I feel all of your prayers and ask you to continue to pray for me and this work to push forward and share the blessings of light.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:07:06 +0000

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