True Power- The Secret To Happiness and Mastering This Life, by - TopicsExpress


True Power- The Secret To Happiness and Mastering This Life, by Jamie Courtney This is more important than “success”, it’s about enjoying the journey. AND with this, you can create almost anything that you want. It is so simple, when it comes to happiness (peace, love, and joy), you have to give what you want to get. It’s not always easy, but it is always simple. The secret to life is not about stuff, it is about energy. You don’t have to overcome anyone or anything but yourself. The world is your mirror, when it comes to happiness, peace, love, and joy right now - you’re getting back what you’re giving. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” Lao Tzu The universe is pure potential with all things in balance; good/bad, right/wrong, love/hate, prosperity/poverty, yin/yang (the Tao). And what you send out in terms of thoughts, attitudes, and opinions creates which half you notice. If you send out positive energy, you’ll see the positive half. If you send out negative energy, you’ll see the negative half. Either way, you will point a finger and say, “See, I was right”. And absolutely everybody knows they’re right, perception is reality. The real question is, ”How’s that working for you?” And the answer to everything is love, acceptance, and forgiveness. But the real trick is that the only thing you ever actually lack - is giving love, acceptance, and forgiveness to yourself. And then how much you can give love, acceptance, and forgiveness to others is just a mirror of how much you’ve given it to yourself. Jesus is this model. “Only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation, it is never what you are not getting.” A Course in Miracles There are no mistakes, there are only opportunities to transcend. Whenever the world shows up as any negative feeling, it is just the universe mirroring back to you a place that you don’t love, accept, and forgive yourself. And - lessons are repeated until learned - If you point a finger at a person or circumstance (you may not say it out loud, but in your mind you’re saying,”You’re an asshole!”); then BINGO!, you just guaranteed that you’re going to get to do it again; until you point your finger at yourself and say,”Why do I feel this way?” And the answer is always something to love, accept, and forgive within yourself. Not always easy, but always simple; love, acceptance, and forgiveness is the answer. God loves you unconditionally, all the time. Let go, let God. You are forgiven, start again. 3 Rules To Guarantee That You Will Have A Great Life 1. Whatever you do, do your best. Then your best will get better. For the times that you don’t do your best, forgive yourself and start over. You can always start over. 2. Help everyone you can, as much as you can, as often as you can. This invokes the law of reciprocity, what you send out comes back to you. And St. Francis was right, it is in giving that we receive. All of your stuff doesn’t matter; everything that you own, owns you. It’s about energy, and giving your stuff away (and helping others) makes the energy positive. 3. Live life as your own personal adventure. It is. ”Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller “The greater danger for most of us, is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.” Michelangelo Carpe Diem – seize the day. Send out love in this moment, and this moment, and this moment… namaste
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 13:35:38 +0000

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