Two-day conference strengthens anti-corruption ties between - TopicsExpress


Two-day conference strengthens anti-corruption ties between Timor-Leste and Indonesia Dili, 14 August 2014 - Anti-corruption commissions and civil society organizations in Timor-Leste and Indonesia have come together to exchange knowledge in the fight against corruption. Representatives from Indonesia’s premier anti-corruption body Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) and NGO Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) arrived in Dili for the two-day conference, held from 14-15 August at the Palm Business & Trade Center in Surik Mas. The conference, funded by German Cooperation, was initiated by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which, as a federally owned enterprise, supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. The Timor-Leste Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) has identified strengthening institutional cooperation with Indonesia and increasing civil society capacity as two of its priorities during its second mandate. In the past KPK has supported CAC by holding training programs in areas including investigations and corruption prevention for staff in Jakarta. This conference was the next step in sharing experiences and knowledge to develop better strategies for corruption prevention, education and research and increase staff capacity. “We know learning and collaborating with our colleagues in other jurisdictions can lead to greater domestic benefits,” CAC Commissioner Aderito Tilman said. “Over the last two days, my staff have learnt valuable skills from anti-corruption practitioners that have been fighting corruption in Indonesia for many years. I look forward to continuing this exchange of information and building stronger ties with KPK.” A number of workshops were held, including: corruption prevention approaches; education and outreach strategies; the role of civil society; and international and national cooperation. “How do we learn? We learn from all the organizations that are in or out of the country. Therefore, we view cooperation among agencies domestically and internationally as a way to strengthen the Commission itself,” said Indonesian KPK delegation Chief Johnson Ginting. “I hope that our experiences will be useful for as long as my colleagues are here to build better development and programs that can be useful for the community.” Recognizing the important role of civil society in bringing transparency and accountability to government processes, the Friday morning session was dedicated to experiences and knowledge exchange. “An active public is essential for the tackling of corruption, which is why German development cooperation also focuses on strengthening civil society,” said acting country coordinator for GIZ, Mr. Heinz-Josef Heile. “Germany is an active participant in international agreements such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and continues to work closely with Transparency International. We are happy that this conference could take place today.” Representatives from a range of Timor-Leste government institutions joined CAC staff at the conference, including from the Prosecutor-General’s Office, the Inspector-General of State, the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice and inspectors from line ministries. ENDS PRESS RELEASE find English version below Konferensia Loron Rua Hametin Lasu Entre Anti-Korrupsaun TL no Indonesia Dili, 14 Agosto 2014 - Komisáun anti-korrupsaun ho organizasaun sosiedade civil iha Timor-Leste ho Indonesia mai tur hamutuk hodi fahe ba malu konesimentu iha luta kontra korrupsaun. Reprezentante Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) no ONG Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) husi Indonesia to’o iha Dili ba konferensia loron rua, halao husi loron 14-15 Agosto iha Palm Business Centre iha Surik Mas. Konferensia ida ne’e, finansia Kooperasaun husi Alemana, inisia husi Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, iha nebe, governu federal Alemana nudar nain ba, suporta governu Alemana hodi atinji nian objetivu iha kooperasaun internasional ba dezenvolvimentu sustentavel. Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Timor-Leste identifika ona hametin kooperasaun institusional entre nasaun rua no aumenta kapasidade sosiedade civil hanesan sira nian prioridades rua durante nian segundu mandatu. KPK iha pasadu suporta ona CAC hodi halao programa treinamentu iha areas balun inklui investigasaun no prevensaun korrupsaun ba staff iha Jakarta. Konferensia ida ne’e etapa tuir mai iha fahe ba malu esperiensia no konesimentu sira atu dezenvolve stratejia diak ba prevene korrupsaun, edukasaun no peskiza no aumenta kapasidade staff sira. “Ita ohin aprende no kolabora ho ita nian belun sira iha jurisdiksaun seluk ne’ebé bele tulun benefisia ita diak liu iha ita nian rai,” katak Komisariu Adérito Tilmán. “Durante loron rua nian laran, funsionariu sira estuda badaen valor husi pratisionariu anti-korrupsaun sira ne’ebé luta kontra korrupsaun iha Indonesia ba tinan barak ona. Hau hein ba oin atu kontinua troka informasaun ba malu ne’e no hametin relasaun forte liu tan ho KPK,” Workshops lubun balun halao ona, ikluindu; aprosimasaun prevensaun korrupsaun; edukasaun no stratejia konsiensializasaun; papel sosiedade civil; no kooperasaun nasional no internasional. “Oin ita estuda? Estuda husi organizasaun hotu-hotu iha rai laran no mos rai liur. Tamba ne’e, ami hare’e servisu hamutuk entre ajensia domestika no internasional sei bele hametin Komisaun ne’e rasik”. Katak Chefe delegasaun KPK Indonesia Johnson Ginting. “Hau espera katak ami nian esperiensia durante ne’e sei util tebes ba belun sira iha ne’e hodi hari’i dezenvolvimentu no programa sira ne’ebé diak liu tan ba komunidade.” Rekonese papel importante sira halao hodi lori transparansia no akuntabilidade ba prosesu governu, sesaun dadersan nian dedika ba sosiedade civil hodi fahe ba malu konesimentu no esperiensia. Públiku ativu esensial ba kombate korrupsaun, iha nebe mak kooperasaun dezenvolvimentu Alemana mos focus iha hametin sosiedade civil,” Katak acting country coordinator GIZ, Heinz-Josef Heile. “Alemana partisipa ativamente iha agrementu internasional hanesan Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) no kontinua atu servisu besik liu ho Transparency International (TI). Ami kontenti katak konferensia ida ne’e bele halao loron ohin.” Reprezentante husi instituisaun governu Timor-Leste hamutuk ho funsionariu CAC iha konferensia ida ne’e, inkluindu husi edifisiu Prokurador Geral da Repúblika (PGR), Inspeitor Geral do Estado (IGE), edifisiu PDHJ no husi inspeitor linas ministeriais sira. (*) Holger Kötzle Knowledge Management & PR Officer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Palm Business & Trade Center, 3rd floor Surik Mas, Fatumeta Dili, Timor-Leste P.O.Box 60 T +670 331 0544 M +670 7807 8156 E [email protected] I
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:12:03 +0000

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