UNDERSTANDING AND IGNITING THE BLUE FLAME Lord Adama Discourse - January 8th, 2014 Greetings!! My fellow comrades it is, I, Lord Adama with the Telosian council of Light. We have arrived again in this beautiful connection circle for the beautiful cities of Light. I ask of you what do you feel like in these moments after receiving the Blue flame. I ask you to go deep into your Heart to connect fully with your Higher Self within the Thymus, the Heart, and the Solar Plexus. Let us do that now and allow the expansiveness of the Will and Power that is being brought to you through the flame of Light by the Elders Lord Alura and Lady Aluri to fully be embodied within all parts of your existence. What is it that you need? Where are your weak spots? Be honest with yourself so that you can understand more of yourself because as you tune into those weak spots you have the realization that the reason that they are weak is because they are looking for guidance to receive strength. So it is important to allow the embodiment of the Blue flame to assist you in that process. During this year we are going to take you on new journeys to assist you more deeply with the Rays of God and what they truly mean. We know the definitions of them but what happens when you bring in this essence into your Being. Is it something that you need to accept? Or do already have these aspects within your physical existence which consists of your Etheric body, your Emotional body and your Mental body; when I say physical existence, I am centering myself on the four-body system because as you are changing and allowing yourself to accelerate into the Crystalline structure those systems have to come into oneness; just as you are trying to come into oneness and so is the world. When there are particles that are separate from other elements that are in conjunction with each other they then can get lost; this is when true dysfunction occurs within the system because you are not fully accepting the fact that there is a part of you that needs more encouragement, needs to fully bring in the higher essence of these rays to assist you. You have to remember you are not physical anymore, you are not of the physical structure you have been working too diligently but you forget because you are living in a world still of duality. Within that duality there becomes separativeness between elements so you have to remind yourself every day and sometimes every moment that you are no longer that physical existence. The clearing that you are going through from your Etheric body can bring you back down into that third dimensional construct. I know each of you on this program is still having some issues with the bodily structure but it is not all of it. So I want to take you side-by-side to an unawakened person and compare your energies. You would be way beyond what that unawakened person is because, that is the statement that they are unaware of what is occurring within them on a multi-dimensional basis so they don’t understand that there spiritual essence is becoming one with their physical body. Each of you knows this because of the work that you are doing is taking you in to a new level of experience. We know that this is not easy for you to do. You have been conditioned lifetimes upon lifetimes to forget and now in this timeline you are to remember everything that you have ever been previous even when some of those moments are not easy to accept. But you continue the process because you see the progress that you have made you are changing within your thoughts, within your emotions, or healing aspects of your physical existence through the process of utilizing not just physical components of healing processes but higher energetic essences to allow you to feel the acceptance within your full body system. We extend each of these rays for the next few weeks and maybe even longer to assist you in a longer basis. We want you to incorporate it, we want you to understand what it means to command, and what does that mean? It means you take that ray and you become that ray, you command it by asking it to go into certain areas within your existence, you use your breath, you feel it in your physical existence and if you have a hard time imagining or visualizing. Then, just pretend that you are the child; make it up, just imagine what you are experiencing and you will experience it. Eventually you will get to that space. Do not allow your mental faculties to stop you from having the full potential of your full body system. Eventually, everything will fall into place. It may take you some time, but as we bring forth these energies each week on a deeper level as we have done so before and allow each of you as an individual to see the difference that is occurring within you; the depth that you are experiencing cannot be measured within your physical structure of your mind. You will try, but it is important for you to take those thought processes and lack of understanding and throw caution to the wind. You must take everything that you have learned through many timelines of wanting to analyze and critique what you are experiencing and allow yourself to be in the moment of the now. That is the best advice that I can give to you at this time in the beginning of this year. Take moments of reflection of what you are experiencing by writing them down, because you will not remember what you experienced six months from now. You will possibility say “Oh, wow, I do feel different now” but you may not remember the details. We are molding ourselves to a new way of being through this process as each of you are. I say “we” because that is the conjuncture of the understanding of the light force that is working with each of you. We, in Telos, already do these things automatically; we don’t have to be deprogrammed because we came into these bodies and were trained by our elders. So I stand here with you as an elder to help you through this process, because you will forget it is part of your conditioning not to remember. It is very important to take moments of reflection within you and allow this frequency of Light we are bringing within you to stay within you. “I have my Will, and I have my Power and this is what I need to do” is the statement that you should repeat to yourself. Right now I say to each of you what you need to do is to breathe in this essence and to feel it everywhere even though it is an esoteric feeling and it is not a physical feeling. So if you need something physical, get yourself a blue candle, a blue stone, a blue scarf or sarong put the blue around you, embody the blue. This will help you to reflect the essence of the Ray will envisioning it within your mind. We are going to be travel back to each of these cities with each of these beings to assist each of you to fully embody these energies. We have decided that we are taking this structure through Meleriessee and Mike to assist each of you because you won’t do it on your own, and it is necessary for every light worker to embody these essences. So I will work with Meleriessee and she will be bringing forth information on a weekly basis to assist because the more that each of you do it for yourself, it is going to expand out of you and once you learn how to do it, you will re-condition yourself. It is not hard to do; you don’t have to go through a rigorous training process. All you have to do is to remember to do it because you forget and the reason you forget is because you are conditioned by the third dimensional world that there are other things that you can do for yourself instead of stopping and breathing and asking for the Light formations to come from the essence of God into your being through these beings that represent these essences. So it is a conditioning process that needs to occur for each of you with gentleness and love. We don’t hand this to you and say you must do it, and if you don’t we are going to take something away from you. It is just that your success is only measured by your own projection within that essence. So let us take a moment and allow this essence of the Blue flame to assist you in the process to be better for yourself and to take care of yourself on a much higher level then you ever have before. You must put away those thoughts. I know they are there as I feel them in this moment; questions, lack of understanding. All you want you to do through these processes in these cities in the next few weeks is to just feel, allow yourself to experience the energies. If you find yourself going to la-la land, know that your body is being infused with these flames; then re-listen and we are going to work very hard to get the transcriptions out in a weekly basis to assist in these processes. Why do we do this because of the increase of the energies of 2014 we need to ground these energies to assist Gaia, to assist each of you, to assist the land so that we in Telos can be with each of you. We need the expansions; we can’t play games anymore and just say “oh what is my psychic expression, what is going to happen to me today?” and I am going to help you to receive your Higher Self. We are going to get now in the nitty gritty of grounding these energies, allow yourself to just fully embrace it, accepting that you are a divine being of Light not just saying it, feeling it, grasping it, experiencing it so that you can be the full embodiment that you are supposed to be this gives us the avenue of the inner Earth beings to be with you. We are here to assist through this process so we are here to share teachings through Meleriessee and Mike to assist in this process through the team of Light to help you acknowledge that you are the embodiment of the masters into this new Earth to ground it fully. It is a big responsibility right now and each of you are standing in the forefront and you are willing to accept it. I know that you are, because you are with us; you are accepting it because you like it, you feel it, you see that it is making changes in your life. Well, that is just the beginning my dearest ones. It is going to expand, expand, and expand and you are not doing it alone. We are all here to assist you in this process. We are going to help you to go deeper every time you have a thought that you cannot do something I ask you to call upon Hercules to help change that thought process, call upon the Elders Alura and Aluri to give you the Blue flame. It starts here; this is your Will to get deeper into yourself and allow the frequency of Light that you are to be shown to others. You have something to do so we are going to help you to get there, we are going to help you do it, we are going to help you heal, we are going to help you move the energies through your body, we are going to help you to receive that Crystalline Light so that you don’t have these ascension symptoms. And how are we going to do this? With the Rays of God ~ Meleriessee is already in deep training with St. Germaine and myself on a daily basis and she is receiving information of how to bring in these energies on a deeper level. She is going to share this knowledge, because she is assisting herself through the process of her physical body to be the Crystalline structure; the time is now to know all that you can be. It has to be shared, because that is what knowledge is about; in turn each of you are going to be able to expand yourself into more knowledge’s for your own leadership, your own sharing with others because we need you on the Upper Earth; we need you on the new Earth, you are our Light, you are our shining stars so it is with my divine pleasure to fully, fully say to each of you, I welcome you into this training program because will be a depth of knowledge that will be imparted to each of you and then you will find your own truth through this acceleration of Light that we are. Take a deep breath and allow that Blue flame as I have been sharing to come fully into your entire structure and let’s go travel to Goloneiah and meet up with Hercules and Amazonia and all the beautiful Beings that are waiting our arrival. Excerpted from the Golden Earth Etheric Cities Meditation, January 8th, 2014 You may join this class, via walkingterrachrista/classes/golden-cities/ ©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery walkingterrachrista/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission. tinyurl/donate-to-WalkingTerraChrista
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:03:25 +0000

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