UNDERSTANDING WORD-SYMBOLS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY: THE “N-WORD” & THE PSYCHOLOGICAL HOLOCAUST AGAINST AFRICAN PEOPLE Can a word that has historically and contemporarily been used to dehumanize a race be borrowed by that same victimized group and used as a term of endearment? Unfortunately many Americanized Africans would answer yes to this question. However, a much deeper psycho-racial analysis of the problem will reveal an inherent contradiction in the verbal behavior of the these Americanized Africans who currently argue for the right to resurrect a term of oppression in a failed effort to prove that their “civil rights” guarantees them the right to have “equal access” to the same terminology that their natural enemies have used to stigmatize their entire global human family and render them decidedly beneath contempt. Negro Proponents of N-word usage premise their “right” to use the word on the inaccurate assumption that all words are neutral and thusly only given power and meaning when invoked within a given social dynamic. However, what these “N-as-positive” Negroes fail to understand is that words, in and of themselves, are symbols of much deeper conceptual and psychological meaning. The etymology of a word never changes and is permanently set upon its initial creation. In fact, words as symbols are created principally to give expression to thoughts and ideas that previously may not have existed. In other words, vocabulary as verbal symbolism, is nothing more than the lettering of views, perspectives, concepts and beliefs that previously were without expression in any given language. The argument that words are neutral is a fallacy, as the pre-existing thought gives rise to the need for a word-symbol to represent it – and not the other way around. This is to say that when an Americanized African gives expression to any word-symbol created by their natural enemies to degrade one’s race, the preexisting context that initially gave birth to the word accompanies that word when it is broadcast into the universe. Stated another way, usage of the N-word by Americanized Africans in the 21st century not only reinforces white supremacy’s chief word-symbol, but also resurrects all accompanying word-symbols and images that are associated with that term, such as the B-word. Those who profess to favor its usage are politically and psychological ignorant to the fact the word itself – the five letter combination of “N-I-G-G-A” are not what is important – but rather its deeper symbolic meaning. Married to the material significance of the five letter word stem, “N-as-positive” Negroes dismiss the allegorical and overtly powerful emblematic significant of the term. As racist psychologist Carl Jung so effectively pointed out, borrowed from the Ancient Wisdom of Pan-Africa, a symbol is not powerful because it merely exists but because it is linked to something far more powerful and real than what it initially leads the user to believe. In fact, when symbols are evoked they create a psychic atmosphere in the mind that allows related symbols to also be evoked as thusly increase the power of the mother-symbol and its subsequent affect of the unsuspecting psyche of the Americanized African, resulting in spiritual and mental toxification. That is to say that no matter how often you use the word, and no matter how much of the “sting” one thinks its continued usage has eradicated, the virulent potency of it’s subliminally conjured meaning will always accompany its expression. An example to illustrate the author’s point is to offer that when Non-Africans use the N-word the mind set/psychic atmosphere that is created is not only similar to the psychic atmosphere created in Americanized Africans who use the very same term, but is in fact IDENTICAL to it. This means that when whites utter the “N-I-G-G-A” word-symbol it invokes the same visual imagery of rhythmically comatosed, materially-overindulged, self-hating, luxury cardriving, academically-disinclined Modern Negroes that is created also in the minds of Americanized Africans – at its core foundation there is no difference in the imagery induced in the minds of either Race group. That is to say that N-word proponents are, in fact, being used by Alien groups to continue the global assault against African people in the name of “free speech”. Each and every time this wordsymbol is used by a member of the victimized race it serves to reinforce, on the subconscious level, the internalized racism that has rendered metal shackles unnecessary in a world of cyber-slavery against a people who would rather bathe in the shadow of the scientific and material advances of another race rather than create such a society for themselves. “N-as-positive” Negroes make the same mistake that “white Jesus” picture-toting ministers make in their predominately Black religious congregations. They say, “We know the picture is white, but our brains know otherwise.” Such faulty rationale is doomed to failure as any psychology 101 course can make one aware of the power of symbols, including word-symbols, and there subsequent affects on thought, speech, memory, action and self-appraisal. It is not what the brain is told, but what the mind sees that ultimately matters in a world dominated by symbolism at every turn. This is precisely why the great sages of Kemet created a script entirely from images (Metu Neter), and this is also why the natural enemy bombards Black children 24-hours a day & 7-days each week with a photo-diet of selfdeprecating cartoons and racially-insulting television shows. For centuries schools and universities have taught that he who controls the battlefield also controls the ark of destiny. However, this is incorrect, for he who yields in his hand the POWER OF IMAGES can control the minds of the masses and induce such a crippling wave of propaganda upon innocent spirits, which if effectively done, will preclude the need for a battlefield in the first place.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:27:09 +0000

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