♥ ♥ ♥ UROPATHS ♥ ♥ ♥ Urine Looping ♥ Embody ♥ - TopicsExpress


♥ ♥ ♥ UROPATHS ♥ ♥ ♥ Urine Looping ♥ Embody ♥ M-State ♥ Harmonic ♥ Consciousness ♥ Urine looping can bring the body into a more m-state. Urine looping drinking your urine continuously for an extended period of time. Urine fasting is the ultimate form of urine looping and can provide all the nutrients your body needs to thrive. The m-state exists beyond duality/polarity consciousness and directly connects us to the 6th dimension of the sirius star system a harmonic resonate frequency the opens our sacred heart and aligns it with our third eye (inner vision). The m-state allows you to experience the world in the state of Buddha consciousness which is a state of equanimity. Fresh urine looping can be done anywhere and anytime you dont even need a cup just pee into your hand and drink it or snort it. I call it instant tea!!! Urine is amazing for you whether it is acidic or alkaline it all helps to reach the m-state. The m-state mushroom appears at 10.5 - 10.75 PH with 10.62 being the most optimal PH for growing the magic monoatomic antibiotic mushroom. Looping aged urine is a quick way to experience the m-state to give you a taste of its harmonic resonance beyond duality/polarity consciousness. The m-state feeds the endocrine glands including the thyroid, pineal, hypothalamus and pituitary and help them to produce and secrete melatonin, tryptophan, serotonin and DMT. These substances open the 5th, 6th & 7th chakras allowing us to experience states closer to enlightenment. by Jordan Blaikie the Liver Flush Man Vital Liver Flush Victoria, BC Canada ♥ I LIVER YOU ♥ Livers.co
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:36:15 +0000

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