Unforgetable#Insert 4 Thursday I had a hectic morning, now that - TopicsExpress


Unforgetable#Insert 4 Thursday I had a hectic morning, now that I had gotten the hang of this whole P.A thing it wasnt as easy as I imagined, but made the day amazingly easy was Reece before we dived into work we would have coffee and a chat Reece: hey you late Me; Gabby has a fever am sorry Reece: have you taken her to the doctor what did they say Me: I cant afford to take her to the doc over a fever Reece she will be fine it will pass Reece: you wouldnt be having money problems if you told him Me; Reece you know his going to try and take her and he has money what do I have Reece; you dont know that Me: I kept his daughter away from him for over a year tell me thats not going to piss him off tell me his not going to hate me for that Reece: You might have a point, then I am soo sorry Me: what, what did you do Reece: it will only be a couple days Me: ok tell me whats only a couple days Reece: am sure you can handle it Me: handle what Reece: why wouldnt you, you a professional right Me: am about to professionally slap you if you dont tell me what you taking about Reece: Gabriel needs a P.A Me; so and my heart stopped and started again I have avoided Gabriel with huge success, for some strange reason it was like I could sense him, like I was intune with his body, before I even look up I know his in the room my body starts to tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up my heart races and I feel myself just overwhelmed with all these feelings, and it takes all my strength to walk the other way, His tried to corner me but like I said iv successfully been able to avoid any alone time with him, Me; WHAT DID YOU DO Reece; I kinda of maybe sort of told him that he could borrow you till monday when his P.A comes back Me: thats what Temps are for Reece; she had a accident Me: but why me these other people around here Reece; nobody will work with him Me: because his a bulldozing idiot thats why by the time I finished that sentence I felt it, I FELT him he was near by I could almost feel my body become awake, its the only why I could describe it, my body becomes alive when his near me Gabriel: now that I know what you think of me, can we get to work Me: oh Lord what do you have against me ? Gabriel: what? he looked a little confused by my last statement Me; nothing Sir Gabriel: good my office in 10 minutes now leave I want to talk to my brother in private what!!! somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning or maybe he didnt sleep alone a pinch tightened inside my stomach I felt the jealousy rise Gabriel: Do I have to repeat myself Miss Hendricks are you deaf maybe you need me to write it down you on the slow side I took one large breath and looked at Reece Reece: I owe you Me: more than you know I got up to walk out Reece: and today after work its a date remember I wasnt sure what he meant by that till I looked at him, he wasnt flirting he was dead serious which meant one thing he wanted to take Gabby to the doctor, he was after all her uncle I couldnt deny him that right Me: ummh yes ok I will come by after work if I dont see you for lunch I walked out Gabriels Story Reece: yes Big brother what brings you to my office so early in the morning Me: Date? you going on a date with her Reece: its not what you think Me; sounds like it is, it would explain why she refuses to talk to me Reece; you not listening Me: her I can understand but you, you watched me long for her and now you taking her on dates Reece: Gabriel you making conclusions over assumptions Me; I was going to ask about the auction this weekend I wiped all the emotions from my face and went into business mode, Reece saw the change and didnt call me out on it am glad he didnt because I had a good nerve to fire him right now. on a date shes mine she cant go on dates with my brother or any other man shes mine damnit Reece; Gabe are you listening Me: Why wouldnt I be, Reece; because I asked you a question and you didnt answer Me; what was your question I knew from the way Reece was reacting he wasnt the least bit affected by my coldness and cold stare Reece: you need to bring a date, its a formal plus one Me: fine I stormed out I dont like to wait I hope Lisa is in my office what was she even wearing that dress was to tight it was too short every man must be drooling over her, that pissed me off I will ripe the throat of a man who looks at her that way, even its my brother Lisa......(dont get confused ne when I say Gabriel at the top of the story it means am telling it from his eyes, then When I say Lisa means am telling it from Lisas eyes) I seated in Gabriels office its huge the table is big it could seat 10 people the place is a bit off a mess like he sleeps here sometimes like last night, I wonder if his had breakfast of some sort God how am I going to survive being so close to him the door swang open and he stopped for a moment and then slammed the door shut making me jump Gabriel: first things first I have a dont date employer policy here that means Miss Hendricks your date with your boss is not going to happen unless you want me to fire you, he didnt even wait for me to answer him as he went on Gabriel: get me coffee black strong no sugar no cream, when you done call Deflexo and book a table for 3 people at 12:30 photocopy these and have them bound for the meeting, here read this file and be up to date on it meet me in the boardroom in 10 minutes to take notes Me: Yes sir I had it all in my head, being a mother does that to you, you are mastor multi tasker and I was Queen of multi tasking I got his coffee black no sugar no cream and dropped it off at his office he didnt even say thank you or look up but thats just fine with me, I walked out all the same and booked lunch for him did the photocopies and went to have them binded I did and extra one just incase I sat down to read about the file he gave me when he came marching out his office someone is really having a bad day today Gabriel: why are you still seated I got up and walked behind him to the boardroom where bunch of men where seated and waiting for Gabriel I noticed Reece was here too he gave me a wink and looked at him and mouthed you owe me he flashed me his killer smile Gabriel: Miss Hendricks when you are done flirting with my brother your boss hand out these folders I held back tears I will not cry I will not cry I will not cry I will not cry Handing out the folders and taking my place next to Gabriel after he told one of the barbies to move, I took out my iPad thanks to Reece he bought it for me saying its quicker then writing on a piece of paper I light the screen and on came Gabby and her adorable smile which brightened up my day the meeting wasnt long it was to brief the departments about a tender they had just recieved to build a center I took notes along with Barbie doll seeing my Little girls pic made me feel awhole lot better but it wasnt the end when the meeting was done Gabriel left and Reece followed Barbie; so sleeping our way to the top are we? well Reece is fair game but Gabriel isnt, his my man so keep your dirty little paws off him Me; I wouldnt touch him if he was the last man on her, so really dont stress your fake little self about that, I walked out and straight into his office it was my turn to slam the door this time Gabriel; is there a.. Me: a problem? yes hell yess Mr Steel my personal life has nothing to do with you, but since you are determined to have your nose in it, I AM NOT DATING NOR AM I FLIRTING WITH YOUR BROTHER I dont have feeling for you brother and would much appriciate it if you cut the crap and we got along on business level, whatever it is that crawled up your ass this morning is not my fault and I will not take your wrath, you need a P,A am outside, you need a stress outles get a damn stress ball!!! your 10 oclock is running late Sir I turned on my heels and marched out the door leaving him stunned and speachless
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:05:49 +0000

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