Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton continues to live in a dream world - TopicsExpress


Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton continues to live in a dream world where she is not responsible for Blacks abandoning her campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination back in 2008. Hillary says in her new book, Hard Choices, of her color-aroused campaign against Senator Barack Obama, that, Neither of us [Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama] had total control over what was said and done in our campaigns, let alone by our most passionate supporters or by the political press, including a large herd of bloggers. Remarks on both sides, including some of my own, had been taken out of context, but the preposterous charge of racism against Bill was particularly painful. Barack made clear that neither he nor his campaign believed that accusation. Unfortunately, this is an example of Hillary Clinton believing what she prefers to believe, while also being extremely naive about her conversation with then Senator Barack Obama. The reality is that Senator Obama decided that it was not politically useful to charge anyone with color-aroused motivations or behavior, because that would just make him look like an angry Black man and focus the campaign on his skin color instead of focusing the publics attention on his messages of Hope and Change and Yes, We Can. So, Senator Obama told Hillary and others that he didnt believe their behavior was motivated by color-aroused animus and color-aroused political calculus. However, a writer for the New Yorker reports that Tim Russert told him that Bill Clinton had a conversation with Senator Ted Kennedy in which Clinton was trying to win Kennedys support. Bill Clinton said to Senator Kennedy, referring to Senator Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” newyorker/reporting/2012/09/10/120910fa_fact_lizza?currentPage=2 That clearly constituted a color-aroused appeal to Ted Kennedy in an attempt to win Kennedys support, but it backfired. Kennedy endorsed Obama, adding a strong and fresh new wind to Obamas sails. So, when Obama told Hillary that he didnt believe Hillarys campaign had been color-aroused, he was simply being diplomatic and focusing on winning instead of holding resentments based in the Clintons color-aroused campaigning. This is why Black people are going to dump Hillary Clinton as soon as Gov. Deval Patrick enters the race for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. We identify with MA Gov. Deval Patrick while we know the Clintons would sell us into slavery if they thought it was necessary for Hillary to win and hold the Oval Office. I am proud to have been one of the political bloggers who was not constrained by diplomacy or being a candidate and was able to point out the Clintons color-aroused campaigning, and that of their many surrogates, whenever I saw them doing it. So, I was quoted in the Washington Post slamming Hillary for campaigning first against Obama and then against all Blacks, and I was quoted as follows: We are tired of Hillary Clinton telling America that we are less than American simply because we refuse to vote for her, said Francis L. Holland, an African American blogger. Ironically, the Clintons embraced us, and even embraced Pastor Jeremiah Wright for support during their impeachment scandal. Holland was speaking of the congressional trial that followed former president Bill Clintons liaison with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. She has forfeited the black vote for the foreseeable future with her color aroused appeals. voices.washingtonpost/44/2008/05/colorofchange-leader-accuses-c.html I havent forgotten that once Hillary realized she wouldnt win any Black votes, she then tried to make Blacks the enemy and convince whites to vote against Obama because Blacks supported him. That didnt work in 2008 against Obama and it wont work in 2016 against 2-term MA Gov. Deval Patrick. In 2008, I said at my blog, Are Pennsylvania voters still so color-aroused that their voting ideation, emotion and behavior will prevent them from voting for Barack Obama simply on the basis of his color? Hillary and Bill Clinton and Gov. Rendell have to hope so, because theyve made this premise the center of their campaign strategy against Obama. amjca.blogspot.br/2008/02/color-arousers-billary-clinton-film.html The unfortunate reality for Clinton is that the Democratic Party candidate who wins half of white progressive votes and virtually all of the Black vote will be the 2016 nominee. That candidate will be MA Gov. Deval Patrick, because there is no way in hell that Blacks will choose race-baiting Hillary over Patrick. And Hillary WILL race-bait again, because she believes her own press releases and she believes Obama was being sincere when he told her he didnt believe that she was trying to color-arouse the electorate. Hillary should reflect on Obamas presidency during which he has never even accused Republicans of color-aroused animus. The most he says is that their behavior is strange and he doesnt understand why they oppose his every policy, even when he adopts Republican policies as his own. Obama needed Clintons support, so he didnt call her a color-aroused antagonist to her face. But, I did, in the pages of the Washington Post, and I wont hesitate to do so again in 2016, if she tries to color-arouse the electorate against MA Gov. Deval Patrick. The unpleasant fact for Hillary Clinton in 2016 is that if MA Gov. Deval Patrick runs, then Hillary Clinton cannot possibly win the nomination. So, I certainly hope he runs.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 01:36:08 +0000

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