Update A light Bulb Goes On: President Obama clearly has a new - TopicsExpress


Update A light Bulb Goes On: President Obama clearly has a new calling, a new role in the world.. Whats that you say? Consider: He said this in his strategy speech: - ...ISIL is not Islamic The now common misunderstanding and criticism in the media is that the claim or proclamation seems to take religion, Islam, out of the IS equation. It removes the religion itself, Islam, from any connection to IS and its fighters. Yet we know that the IS militants themselves claim a pure, original Islamic purpose in what they do. The Presidents interpretation, while arguable, is not the message. Did the media miss it? He was lecturing and interpreting the Quran to the entire Muslim world! As amazing and astounding as that was, imagine how huge a challenge this is to the established wisdom. A kafir telling Muslims what is acceptable Islamic behaviour? Effectively chiding them all for letting this IS unIslamic behaviour to get out of control? Unimaginable. He is effectively if not actually issuing a fatwa: that the rogues of IS are outside the bounds of the real Islam. This is the real message of his speech. A message which was aimed directly at the Muslim world. This is his new role - out of the closet as a scholar and authority of Islam. Staking his claim to be the final word of what is Islamic or not. A message is aimed directly as well at the radical jihadists and madmen on the rampage inside the new Islamic state. So. What does this mean for us and them? It means it is now kosher for various Muslim nations to help the President in this new phase of expanded counter terrorism...Well see who steps up. Good luck to us all.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:17:46 +0000

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