Using chemtrails to hide the presence of the Planet X complex near - TopicsExpress


Using chemtrails to hide the presence of the Planet X complex near the Sun is a bit like driving down the road at high speed with a foot on the brake the whole time. It stopped nothing. If anything it raised suspicions and curiosity. Chemtrails targeted high population areas, the cities, as even with light pollution at night the complex could be seen during the day. And those dramatic Second Sun sightings at dawn and dusk could be seen by all. The perpetrators tried to utilize the winds, so that the chemtrails would disburse and float over high population areas. It was a hopelessly flawed campaign. After the announcement will it end? The campaign is funded by the wealthy, whose fear of the public rioting and surging out of control will if anything increase. Thus we anticipate the chemtrail operations to continue, as there will be an associated campaign to deny the presence of Planet X, despite the announcement, and to pacify the public so they remain on the coastlines and stay in their jobs. Nevertheless, the Planet X complex will become increasingly visible, will create an ever more violent wobble, and thus despite any attempt to blind the public with haze during the day, the public will not be confused. zetatalk/ning/20jy2013.htm
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 22:02:08 +0000

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