Usually, if you look to the comment section on a Facebook page, - TopicsExpress


Usually, if you look to the comment section on a Facebook page, you get a good chuckle from some of the comments but more times than not, youll see negativity. The post could be so positive but for some reason, some people feel the need to leave hurtful, senseless and degrading remarks. And unfortunately, were not even phased by it anymore. Last year my sister and mother participated in World Hijab Day, a worldwide event where people of all different religions, ethnicities and cultures either celebrate wearing their hijab or experience wearing a hijab for the first time. My sister and mother sent in their photo months ago and never really expected it to be published on the website. Just two days ago it was shared on their page and heres what I am truly blown away by: every single comment that I read was positive. People from all over the world were thanking and blessing my sister and mother for taking the time to understand their culture. If youre tired of reading nothing but negativity, look to these comments and you will be humbled by the overwhelming amount of love. Lesson to be learned? When we respect and understand other cultures, the result is nothing but love. What a beautiful (shameless plug: Kindred Project) moment. MashaAllah & God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:55:20 +0000

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