VERY INSPIRATIONAL,,TAKE A MINUTE TO READ THIS ARTICLE!!! Did you know that network marketing is the 21st century business? Robert Kyosaki said that economy moves on and develop new ways to cope in living. Have you heard of inflation? It is where the value of money fluctuates. As we remember in past decades 1 peso has a big value but now 1 peso can only buy a candy. Can you imagine how the world moves very fast? Just like technology at first we have a tube television then now we have led televisions. Can you see the difference? In communication it started with a beeper now there is a cellphone with 3G and wifi. In short if you don’t adapt to the changes of this world you will be left behind. I call people like them prehistoric they are obsolete people, with so small brains who can’t take from themselves that everything changes from time to time. Sometimes we can’t blame those people who have a closed mind. It is because of their core values or old belief. Son study hard, find a good work and your life will be easy or stable. But today many people have graduated yet they don’t have a work. See my point? The problem in college today is that they don’t teach anything about money, so the effect is people works for money. They didn’t know how the money will work for them, that is why they struggle financially. A lot of people are financially illiterate; they haven’t learned anything about it. Let us face the truth, the bible says “the truth maybe hurts but it will set you free”. I suggest you read RICH DAD…POOR DAD by Robert Kyosaki. It is a real great book and has thought me a lot of things. Do you have a dream yet you don’t know how to get it when you realize how to hard to earn money as you see the reality? Robert Kyosaki said that there are only 2 kind’s people in the world. The one is from the linear income which are the employed and self-employed or people who own a job like doctor, engineer and lawyer etc. For example, how does an employed earn money? They have to work for it and get their salary 15th and 30th of the month. We all have our needs; do you think an employed can accommodate all his needs? What if you have a family someone was sick and he/she must be confined to hospital. Do you think 20k per month is enough for all of your needs? I don’t think so, the time will come you must loan for money to suffice all your needs. Is it really true that a lot of employed must do a loan just to feel all the holes of their needs? You can answer that yourself. How will you pay your loan? Do you need to loan again to pay for it? No, you have to work for it. Robert Kyosaki named it “Rat race”. Is there a way to get out of it? Another example, a doctor has no patient, no clinic for 3 months, would there be a salary? In short no work, no pay. There is a way to get out of it you can cross from linear income to residual income and learn how the money works for you. But the risk of business is crucial you must also have to learn everything to get the business going. There is inventory, accounting, monitoring, warehousing etc. Just like our investment to become a professional, you need to take kinder, 6 years elementary 4 years junior high and 2 years senior high before getting to college. Imagine how much time and effort you give and also millions of money invested in learning. Yet you don’t know anything about money, in short you must give time also in learning how the money will work for you. Here is the funny thing; some will tell you that they don’t like to venture in business. They will say business is hard, it is risky, I don’t have time, I don’t have the money for investment. Is this really the reason why we are scared of trying new things? Albert Einstein said that everyone wants to have a change in their life yet they do the same thing, that is insanity. To my point of view why not try new things while we are young so you have time to learn again if you fail. Almost all of people are scared of failing. When we are in elementary, when we fail in quizzes etc. the teacher will say your stupid, moron etc. so they are culture shocked that they bring it until they grow old. What could be the effect? They will hesitate and don’t want to fail again that is why they stay in their comfort zone. Their mind setting is to play safe rather than trying new things to learn. For me FAIL First Attempt In Learning. In reality you will learn to your failure so don’t be afraid of failing. It will keep you strong and will progress. Do you know the inventor of the light bulb? He has failed ten thousand times just to get the right way to create one. He was interviewed by a reporter how did you come up with the perfect way to create the light bulb but failed 10thousand times? He said I did not fail 10housandtimes but learned ten thousand times not to create the light bulb? Did you see his attitude upon failing? Failing is a chance of improving yourself not the other way around. He was Thomas Edison. So if anyone ridicules you from what you are doing that means you are on the right path. Just like going up to the peak of a mountain it is hard yet its worth it when you reach the peak. Just like doing the network marketing business, you will be ridiculed a lot. If you know the history of franchising it was first ridiculed and called pyramiding, a scum. But now see the progress of franchising even it worth millions of investment a lot of people venture on this type of business for the system is already tested that it can make people become rich and financially stable. Same as network marketing now it is ridiculed but a lot of people get rich by just following the system. Have the burning desire and continue to pursue your dream. Network marketing is the fastest way to get to your dreams its like flying to your dreams. If your hopes have died for your dreams we have a new way on getting to it. I can help you to get your dreams by investing to the right company and right system of ways in earning. I could teach you anything you need to get your dreams in this kind of business. Alliance in Motion Global is the best there is, the company background, manufacturer, products and the best marketing in Asia and soon to be globally known in every part of the world. Everything you do dedicate it to God especially network marketing to stay balance and on track. Get your dreams and live the life you’ve always wanted. If you’re interested just give me a private message. Stay focus on your goals and step by step you’ll get to your dreams without noticing it. Believe yourself and don’t listen to person who will tell you that you cannot be successful; believe me I’ve seen a lot of people have reach their goal even many people do not believe them.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 17:29:20 +0000

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