VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3676 (Wednesday, November - TopicsExpress


VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3676 (Wednesday, November 5, 2014) Minds and Spirits Someone wrote something that bears repeating; “The mind is ones most important characteristic of dictating ones actions. There is a three step process before one acts. One must first think of something, desire to do it, and then do the act. So if one wants to change a learned behavior the place to start is to change the thoughts within one’s mind. If one controls what one thinks he can control one’s desire which leads to controlling one’s actions.” Doesn’t that sound like something you would expect to read in a modern book on personal development? Doesn’t it sound like so many of the things you hear or read as a business builder in AdvoCare? The truth is, however, it was written by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius sometime around the first century A.D. Personal development concepts such as the one above didn’t just become popular – they’ve been written for us to read for hundreds and for thousands of years, but we’ve become so busy that bothering to take the time to read them is beyond us. More and more, we’re focusing upon the acquisition of ‘knowledge’ while we’ve lost our awareness of getting our own personal selves in order so that we can have more of the better things in life; we’re doing the things that should be left undone and leaving undone the things that should be done, and in the light of our pitiful results, we blame ‘circumstances’ instead of ourselves. If more of us started to work on ourselves, we could not only change the lives of so many others, but we could change the face and the condition of the world, But the smarter we become, and the more advanced tools we have at our disposal, the more politics, the quest for power and influence and the differences among us get in the way of our progress, and such expressions of ‘for things to change, we have to change’ are fading into the past as their power to bring about lasting change is fading. That’s one of the fundamental reasons why those of us who are serious about AdvoCare must double our efforts as we go about the process of changing lives; and those who are in AdvoCare who have done such a magnificent job of creating dramatically higher incomes must not reduce their efforts now that they ‘have the money,’ they must focus upon doing what Richard Wright has been challenging them to do – to “become more of who you say that you are” by engaging in the duty by showing others how to do as they have done. Theodore Roosevelt put this challenge in a different way, when he said over one hundred years ago – “Far better it is to do mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much or suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat.” Yesterday, Americans cast their votes for people whom they believe to be those best qualified to change the conditions, the hopes and the dreams of our people, but if you think you can go on sitting on the sidelines as an observer because ‘they’ will act in your best interests, think again; YOU must be part of the change and AdvoCare is the best place to do just that. May each and ALL of us take up arms and re-enter the battle against mediocrity, so that we can one day say – “That was our finest hour.” The views expressed on this post are those of Ron Reynolds and do not necessarily reflect the views of AdvoCare.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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