Velika večina ldi spada med navadne reve, za petami imajo zajeten - TopicsExpress


Velika večina ldi spada med navadne reve, za petami imajo zajeten trop lopovov, obema hordama pa sledi še redka in dragocena zabela Človeštva: peščica herojev. O najhitrejšem letalu vseh časov in ja, 47 let kasneje po luftu frčijo predvsem fakin izidžeti. Eh... Today’s flight profile has one objective: speed. It is an attempt to set a maximum manned-flight speed record. The X-15 will be a piloted projectile blasting through a violent acceleration from 500 MPH to nearly 5,000 MPH in only 75 seconds. Six times the speed of sound. On the downside of this flight profile the X-15A-2 will decelerate so violently that a rearward-facing crash pad is installed in the canopy, in front of the pilot, so Pete Knight’s helmet can slam into something soft as the friction of the atmosphere slows the plane after its explosive fuel burns out. Test pilot Pete Knight is hot inside the X-15A-2 cockpit. The desert sun in the Mojave is unrelenting. The cockpit is pressurized with nitrogen gas and Knight is breathing oxygen fed to him through his spacesuit. In an emergency Knight needs to get the X-15A-2 below mach 4 and 120,000 feet to use his rudimentary ejector seat to escape. His chances of surviving an ejection in that corner of the performance envelope are slim. Outside that envelope, where the X-15A-2 will fly today, they are zero.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:47:42 +0000

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