WARNING - DO NOT READ THIS ANY FURTHER........ if you do not want - TopicsExpress


WARNING - DO NOT READ THIS ANY FURTHER........ if you do not want to be motivated to study for the finals, haha. There are so many wonderful and glorious reasons to persevere in studying for the finals: 1. Opportunities - Though imperfect, America is one of the best countries in the world for people seeking opportunities and put in their efforts. Sure it is about the heart if God were to use you, but you also need to maximize your capabilities and opportunities; with more achievement, you can have more opportunities for the kingdom. 2. Parents - They loved you, worked all their life to get you here, they sweated, toiled, some flipped hamburger for several decades to get you here. Study to honor your parents. 3. Life is a test - I thought when my academic career was over, I was done with tests, but I was wrong. You are learning how to prepare for the exams of life. Life is like tests, there will be times to you will need to use and prove what you know and what you have learned. You will see what you are made of. Life is even more like finals; you are being tested not only for the things you have learned for a segment of time but much longer period of time. In that sense, life is even more like standardized tests; anything can be thrown at us thus we better be ready with all the things we have learned in life. Study to accumulate your learning. 4. Growth - I do not know the motivations of your teachers but one of the main motivations I give tests when I teach classes is so that they can study, learn and grow through them. You know and I know most of us will not study nearly as much if we had no tests. God loves you and He will give tests in life not to make you miserable but to make you invincible for the kingdom. After all, it is He, not human teachers that will evaluate your life. Study to grow, both in knowledge and character. 5 Life is a war - There will be plenty of times you will feel the battle within your heart whether to quit or persevere, play or pray. Have strategic breaks but get right back into studying. You are learning to be a warrior. Life is not for wimps. Life is a war.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:54:34 +0000

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