WARNING - NSFW!! This country is going to have to ask itself - TopicsExpress


WARNING - NSFW!! This country is going to have to ask itself some hard questions. War brings out the worst in humanity. And weve been in one - the politics of invading Iraq and Iran aside - for well over twenty years now. What price is our freedom? And what price is worth giving it or any part of it up? Certain things shouldnt be sugar coated. The cost of defending a clear and present danger should never be underestimated, misunderstood or devalued. We chose to kick the can down the road and now we place ourselves willing in even greater harms way. George Bush senior failed to finish the job in Iraq the first time. Bill Clintons administration refused to do anything at all about Bin Laden when Sudan was going to take him into custody and give him to us in handcuffs. George Bush Jr had no plan for the most important thing and that was what came AFTER the battles. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refused to act prior to and during Benghazi. And now this administration wants to gut the CIA and place people in further danger for whatever benefit they think they are going to derive from this report. Their actions imo border on treason. Dear God. Somebody help us because we wont help ourselves. If we dont get term limits in this country and get rid of ALL of the assholes in Washington our enemies can just sit back and watch the circus tent burn. They wont have to lift a hand. https://youtube/watch?v=hopNAI8Pefg
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:32:00 +0000

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