WE WANT FREEDOM FOR MIRIAN FRANÇA WITH FULL GARANTEE OF HER RIGHTS. WE WANT JUSTICE FOR GAIA #liberdadeparamirianfrança #justiçaparamirian #justiçaparagaia #GiustiziaperGaia LIBERDADE PARA MIRIAN FRANÇA! Garantia dos direitos de Mirian! Justiça para Gaia! A young black woman, Mirian França, a PhD student in pharmacy at UFRJ, while on vacation in Ceará, was arrested as a suspect in the murder of an Italian tourist, the young woman Gaia Molinari. Everything indicates that she is being used as a scapegoat to save the profits of the tourist industry of Ceará, since the crime achieved international attention and could reduce the outside of the tourist flow. The state authorities want to show that there is an efficient and quick police. But the facts point to the contrary. The woman who is the police chief , Patricia Bezerra, responsible for the arrest warrant, does not give any plausible justification for the arrest and incommunicability of Mirian. Overall, Mirian left the place where Gaia was murdered, the beach of Jericoacoara, on 24 December,as she had a travelling ticket purchased in advance to return to Fortaleza, from where she would go to another beach, Canoa Quebrada. It is believed that the crime occurred on the 25th. One one the midia vehicles, O Globo in Ceará, even states: The crime occurred on the last day 25, on the beach of Jericoacoara, distant 300 km from Fortaleza. Mirian was then in Fortaleza, under the law seh could not have been prosecuted. The crime required a lot of physical strength, there was a struggle . Mírian, a thinny woman, could not have done it. And if she did, she would have have many marks on the body. The delegate Patricia Bezerra solves the contradiction simply by saying that at least two people participated in the crime. That is, Mirian would have an accomplice. It happens that Mírian, besides having an incompatible biography, had not known or contacts in the region. Until yesterday, 02 of January, the young resercher did not receive legal support of public advocacy of Ceará, no lawyer spoke to her. Apparently she was conducted by the Military Police to testify at the hands of a colonel who has issued several statements prejudiced against her (Saying, for example, that he realized that she was at a party atmosphere . It must be considered that she was at the beach of Canoa Quebrada, on vacation at and the high season period as the colonel should know for he works in a state that sells a very festive tourism industry. All racism and prejudices emerged! The girls family did not receive any information, and her cell phone went off, not allowing contact with her. There Miriam was: arrested illegally, slandered, held incommunicable and probably not in special prison - as would have been entitled by persons with university degrees. The press, first in Ceará and then the rest of the country, called her only a ¨carioca ( from Rio) . At no time she was identifyed as a researcher, an academic author of several scientific articles. Was it , in their view, s perhaps incompatible with being black? It is important to stress that carioca is a derogatory and very negative term in many Northeast tourism areas.Therefore, there was a previous judgement! WE WANT ALL MIRIAN´S RIGHTS TO BE RESPECTED AND JUSTICE FOR GAIA! As this campain started, since yesterday she is finally being supported by the lawyers of the Rede Nacional de Advogadas e Advogados Populares- RENAP Encontros da Renap, was visited by a public attorney and the lawyer Humberto Adami Santos Junior is in the case. She was informed by the lawyer Luanna Marley (RENAP) about the mobilization. All support is fundamental. #LibertemMiriamFrança #GiustiziaPerGaia ( This text is a free translation and modificated from a publication at Congress in Focus. The author is Bajonas Teixeira de Brito Junior and emphasies that it is a na alert to the ¨ ... question of arbitrariness of such as other crimes against blacks, particularly againt black women. - congressoemfoco.uol.br/…/duvidas-sobre-a-prisao…/ ). #LibertemMiriamFrança #GiustiziaPerGaia
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:17:57 +0000

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