WELCOME TO V. VALEs RE/SEARCH NEWSLETTER #126, MAY 2014 Add Us to - TopicsExpress


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BAY AREA NEWS OF RE/SEARCH-recommended EVENTS, reply to this newsletter & in subject line write local subscribe____________________-----SPONSORSHIP NEEDED! We are Offering a Few Sponsorships So This Newsletter Can Ensure Continuance. For just $11 per month, you can be one of our sponsors! We ask for a 6-month minimum. If someone is willing to paypal us $66, they will receive a SPONSOR CREDIT and a WEBSITE LISTING plus space for a small message. Sign up for 6 months for $66, $132 for a year, etc. Please patronize our sponsors -- listed at end! SPECIAL REQUEST: At your local library, please ask the librarian to order all of the RE/SEARCH books! TABLE OF CONTENTS:1. MESSAGE FROM EDITOR: Filmmaking should be made by ALL?!? 1A. NEW FROM RE/SEARCH: Ed Hardy PocketBook of interviews 2. The Counter Culture Hour: Sat May 10, 6pm 3. FORTHCOMING EVENTS: 4. OUR PAST LIFE 5. Recommended Links - send us some 6. QUOTES 7. Letters from Readers 8. Sponsors (Check em out! - they make this possible!) --------------please add info@researchpubs to your WHITE LIST in your email preferences, or to your ADDRESS BOOK. If you change your email, send it plus your old email address to delete. Lastly, forward our newsletter to your friends! If you are on AOL, please make sure you can receive our newsletter—we get the most returns from addresses at AOL, Hotmail, Comcast and Yahoo!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. MESSAGE FROM YOUR EDITOR: Filmmaking should be made by ALL?!? This past month has brought us more thought-provoking filmic experiences than usual. We produce THE COUNTER CULTURE HOUR, which is filmed interviews which sometimes we turn into books. The most difficult part is editing in other images to relieve the monotony of watching two humans at a table talking. Still, nothing captures a living person more than watching him (or her) talk in real time, answering unscripted questions and extrapolating about the meaning (and humoristic implications) of life. Were grateful that documentaries were made featuring Luis Bunuel, Rene Magritte, William Burroughs (now, where is the J.G. Ballard documentary?!?), Andre Breton, and other sources of permanent inspiration... In the past month we saw Jodorowsky on Dune (Jodorowsky is alive and well at age 85 in Paris, and dresses very sharp. Local musician Kurt Stenzel did the soundtrack music) and For No Good Reason about U.K. artist Ralph Steadman (unexpectedly, this documentary showed William S. Burroughs making art with guns). We highly recommend supporting these doc films. We also recommend supporting San Franciscos own Documentary Film Festival (produced by Jeff Ross) which happens June 5-14, 2014: sfindie/festivals/sf-docfest/ We also spent a couple days with German independent filmmaker Peter Sempel who presented two recent documentary films, Jonas in the Jungle, and Animals of Art at the Goethe Institute Wed, April 30. We sent out a last-minute notice to our local list (if you want to be notified of RE/Search-recommended events, sign up by writing local subscribe in the subject head and sending an email to: info@researchpubs . Marian Wallace wrote a little review: Peter Sempels films are experimental documentaries. You cant try to follow too tightly. You have to just let the films wash over you, impressionistically. Watch them again (& again) ! One fun and interesting part of watching the films has to do with being in the many and various subjects personal space(s) without affecting what is actually happening. It is not your usual cinematic presentation, but is actually super-realistic in that the frame jumps and jitters, like YOU yourself looking around, glancing here and there. The films are both demanding and un-demanding at the same time. If you can manage to let go of your logical brain, you can let the images, music, and dialog flow and gain unexpected, usually non-verbal insights. Such that as David Carradine points out, it really becomes YOUR film. It is not what Peter Sempel is trying to tell you, but more that he presents so much visual and auditory information that you eventually come to your own thoughts. These are not fascist films, leading you to think or feel what Peter Sempel thinks and feels. So see them with an open mind and dont try too hard. —Marian Wallace Our genius friends at monochrom.at, an art-technology-philosophy collective based in Vienna, Austria, just sent us their feature film which they produced on an incredibly low budget. Heedful of their monetary constraints, we watched the film and thought, So… maybe genius is always enough?!? They made a fiction film that made US want to make fiction films; we instantly coined the (obvious) phrase, Filmmaking must be made by all. Then we thought, Why not write our own guide to making a feature film with the lowest possible budget (a la George Kuchar). So heres our mini-guide: 1. Make a STORY BOARD. Sit down with pencil (or pen) and storyboard paper (like blank comic strip pages), and envision EVERY SCENE (image, dialogue) on paper before you even pick up a camera. In other words, write a kind of comic book. You could come up with a road movie plot or picaresque adventure which takes advantage of whatever free locations might be nearby (or within driving distance for a cast and crew). PLOT-WISE, there must be daunting adversities to overcome, very dark humor, mythological dimensionality, and unexpected epiphanic solutions suddenly improvised. (Read plot summaries of ancient Greek plays for ideas!). BLACK HUMOR IS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY. ALSO, the storyboards with a voice-over can serve as quick and easy introductions or plot clarifications for the final film! For dialogue, remember: Show by GESTURE and P.O.V. (Point of View). Be Succinct. Be Poetic. Above All, BLACK HUMOR! 2. CASTING (FREE). Pick photogenic friends and their/your acquaintances who are perfect for each character. Be sure to include flaws in the characterizations; perfection is Not of This Earth. These days, young women heroines offer a lot of not-done-to-death potential (a la Hunger Games, Divergent, etc). Consider including animals (real or stuffed) or puppets! George Kuchar occasionally used puppets at a closer range acting with real people in the distance, so they seemed the same size! 3. LOCATIONS & SETS (FREE). Pick the most beautiful, unusual, memorable, striking settings you can discover (exterior, interior) including friends apartments, workplaces, funeral homes, etc. Tour thrift stores and garage sales (in cities, often there is much free stuff on the streets, especially at the end of the month when people move). With a very small crew (you, the actors and possibly one helper) you can get away with this -- using natural lighting of course. 4. COSTUMING (FREE or CHEAP). Make sure each costume STANDS OUT against whatever backgrounds you film, and augments the characterization of each actor. You can IMITATE (with cheap materials) other archetypal characters from your favorite higher-budget films in your memory, like King Tut. Look at George Kuchar movies for ideas on thrift-store (or free) costumery. 5. DIALOGUE SOUND. Shoot without the pesky necessity for good location sound recording; it can be much faster (time is money) and less nerve-wracking at the location to plan to add dialog later in the quiet of your home recording studio. ALSO you will be able to add plot elements to sort out any confusing moments ... or even change the plot entirely! Fellini famously had his actors say whatever during the shoots, even just count, and dubbed in dialog later. 6. MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS. Find a musician friend to record in his home studio the necessary audio to add emotional range (in your storyboard, write which emotion you want.) Or, find music on old soundtrack vinyl albums (e.g., classical recordings by little-known Eastern European orchestras) and just USE it the way George & Mike Kuchar score their films! Grand music adds immensely to your emotional impact. Also, SOUND EFFECTS are very important. The ominous sound of a buzzing fly (or mosquito about to nose-dive you) can be subtly impactful in building emotional tension. Make (or find) your own library of sound effects! 7. LIGHTING. Get a large collapsible light reflector to bounce light into the faces of your actors when needed. Like Kuchar, you can use clamp lights, extension cords (long), the brightest light bulbs you can find (300, 500 watt?) and ladders to rig up interior lighting to dramatic effect. If you can borrow or buy discounted some of the new compact LED light sources, so much the better. (Research low-budget, portable lighting). 8. SCRIPT and SHOOTING. Everybody needs a copy so they can understand what everyone else is doing. (But, as in Hollywood do not necessarily shoot the film in plot order). Everyone has their own secret source of low-priced photocopies... But BE OPEN to opportunities that present themselves unexpectedly at the sets or in the form of mistakes in acting, camera work, lighting, etc. Some of these may not be noticed until you are editing. Be sure to get lots of extra cutaways, scene-setting- mood- and location-specific shots to help with editing. And gather plenty of sound from the locations also. Shoot the back of each actor on location so you can dub in necessary but forgotten dialog later! After all, youre making your film to give your audience NEW IDEAS, NEW THOUGHTS, A CRITIQUE OF THE STATUS QUO. Why make a film like Hollywood Studios would make—sanitized, safe, and calculatedly commercial? NO! MAKE AN INDEPENDENT, EXPERIMENTAL FILM! TAKE RISKS! DARE TO BE SURREAL and ANTI-AUTHORITY! 9. EDITING (PICTURE & SOUND). This final, post-production SOLITARY ENDEAVOR is the Most Important phase. Editing is where your vision comes together intellectually and emotionally. Editing is (almost) Everything. See what you have to work with from your location shoots and fill in any holes with voiceover and cutaways. 10. PUBLICITY. Make a logo (very important), soundbites, publicity flyers, You-Tube trailers, T-shirts, posters, stickers, and try to create a viral buzz. And remember: if your final film is NOT available on DVD or free on the Internet, then you have an opportunity to TOUR WITH YOUR FILM, present it in person, answer Q&As live to audiences, et al. This travel potential may be your only monetary reward, but it can definitely be fun. And, the main reason you made the film to begin with, is to HAVE FUN. As someone once said, HAVE FUN...AND THEN YOU DIE. Leaving beautiful black humor behind is perhaps the most lasting form of immortality (think Buster Keaton, Luis Bunuel, Nelly Kaplan (A Very Curious Girl), and films like Mad Max 2, La Jetee, the Seven Voyages of Sinbad, certain Twilight Zone episodes, etc. AT LEAST YOU DID SOMETHING... Okay, this rant was inspired by a couple viewings of the monochrom feature film Die Gstettensage, written by Johannes Grenzfurthner and Roland Gratzer; directed and location-scouted by J. Grenzfurthner, and all-in-all produced and made possible by a great alliance of monochrom friends and supporters. We were struck by the beautiful imagery and sound, mythological plot dimensions, memorable moments, and lots of IDEAS which will appeal to all who sense an impending global financial-political-social apocalypse—the likes of which we have not yet seen. No wonder the favorite genre of young people appears to be dystopian/zombie/vampire films... HUMOR is the best response to the prevailing emotional climate of uncertainty and insecurity. So, Let Humor Show Us The Way... Now, speaking of independent vs. commercial, one of our favorite artists, Mark Pauline (founder, Survival Research Laboratories aka SRL) is opening up his metal-fabrication shop for commercial jobs. Email us for more information, if youre in the market for a machine shop: write, info@researchpubs 1A. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- That warehouse move happened -- its not quite over, but ... dont ask! (as they say) So now this newsletter is also late. NOTE: Our latest book is ED HARDY, available from researchpubs - please buy this compendium of ideas, insights and wisdom spoken by (possibly) the worlds greatest tattoo artist. We are also offering a ValuPak of (3) books by the techno-futuristic Austrian collective monochrom - write us at info@researchpubs & in the subject line write monochrom ValuPak and we will send you your own secret coded discount offer, just for YOU! 2. Counter Culture Hour - Sat May 10, 2014 6pm: Hector Penalosa of The Zeros, including performances! Part 2. Watch for it this month as Channel 29 re-airs our shows frequently. The Counter Culture Hour (aka RE/SEARCH TV) is also simulcast ON-LINE as well as on cable access San Francisco Channel 29 -- 6pm Pacific Time, Sat Apr 12, 2014. - see this link at broadcast time:bavc.org/public-access-tv/live-stream/channel-29-streamYou need a fairly decent internet connection and computer to get it. USA west coast: 6:00 PM Saturday, May 10, 2014USA east coast: 9:00 PM Sunday, May 11, 2014Tokyo: 10:00 AM Sunday, May 11, 2014If you cannot get this online email us at info@researchpubsSee RE/Search channel on youtube: researchpubs V. Vale interviewing Rudy Rucker is now on vimeo: vimeo/82404988 3. FORTHCOMING EVENTS (San Francisco unless Otherwise Noted) () FREE Emerald Tablet presents... AND for Emerald Tablets schedule of events: emtab.org/ () $ thrillpeddlers - our favorite local Grand Guignol Theatre Company at the Hypnodrome -- now showing: Pearls over Shanghai -- a hillarious musical, Thursdays through Sundays each week. We saw the new production and it grants renewed amazement, what with the huge cast, elaborate bigger-than-Carmen-Mirandas headgear, super-detailed costumery, incredibly elaborate make-up, new material, and classic songs that embed themselves deep into your backbrain. We particularly liked the old silent B&W documentary film footage of pre-World War II Shanghai -- this is where J.G. Ballard spent his childhood, and it looks like a wild Western urban city, but with Chinese everywhere in the streets. There is so much going on this 2-part production that it makes your head spin... but you almost wanna go LIVE in this stage set. thrillpeddlers/press/press.html. Ben Was preview video https://youtube/watch?v=jOWkxzzrcYw () FREE **LONDON, U.K.** Now through June 27: FAY BALLARD ART SHOW! (J.G. Ballards daughter) elevenspitalfields/ () FREE Now through May LEONORA CARRINGTON (one of our favorite artists) at Gallery Wendi Norris, 161 Jessie St, SF. 415-346-7812. Tue-Sat. () FREE Now through May 10: The Populist Camera show at Jessica Silverman Gallery, 488 Ellis/Leavenworth St , SF () FREE Thur May 1, 6-9pm Chuck Sperry Installation Opening, Firehouse 8, 1648 Pacific Ave/Polk-Van Ness, SF () $ Thur May 1, 6:15pm New Peoples Cinema, SF. SFIFF premiere: 20,000 Days on Earth Nick Cave documentary, w/the Bad Seeds. () $10 Sun May 4, 8pm, Vortex 1082 Howard/6th St, Club Foot Revisited, will premiere a Tom Wheeler video documentary of the Club Foot reunion performances which transpired back in 2010. Featured are Bay of Pigs, Alterboys, Longshoremen, Matt Heckert, Mr. Lucky, & the Club Foot Orchestra. $10 donation to pay doorman and defray some of the video costs. Hosted by Dave D Og Swan who says, If you were involved w Club Foot and have anything youd like to contribute: art, a performance, a video, etc., please do! () $ Sun May 4, 8pm at INdependent, Divisadero/Fell St, SF: EL VEZ (Robert Lopez of the 70s Punk Band The ZEROS) with his Punk Rock Revue. This was one of the most inspiring, improvised, amazingly fun, Punk-History-Lesson concerts we have seen lately, augmented especially by guitarist DONNA DEATH (the female Johnny Thunders, dueling guitarist Pat Beers) and (female) drummer Lety Mora Beers, part of the Schitzophonics, a great San Diego band. elvez.net () $ Mon May 5 & Wed May 7 @ Sundance Kabuki Cinemas as part of the SFIFF. magpictures/wearethebest/ magpictures/profile.aspx?id=869d4c3f-f6b5-4aec-8f39-019d3bef7b65 () FREE Mon May 5 All Day Opening of Urban Putt (miniature golf course, etc). 1096 So.Van Ness/22nd-21st St, SF. () $ Thu May 8, **OAKLAND** Fox Theater: Brian Jonestown Massacre () $ Thu May 8, Impossible Light - film on the Bay Lights project as part of SF International Film Festival () $12 Thur May 8, 830pm Bottom of the Hill, SF: Acid Mothers Temple! & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O., Perhaps, OGOD bottomofthehill/20140508.html#.U2k54McaQaA () FREE Thu May 8, 8pm: Adobe Books, 3130 24thSt/Folsom, SF: Party for Don Pyles Out-0f-Focus Talking Slideshow: A photo document of Punk in Toronto 1976-1980. RE/Search plans to attend! Other openings: Fri May 2, 7-10pm, 1234 Go! Records, 420 40th St, Oakland. Exhibit runs from May 2-10th, 2014. (Thanks to Scott Moore for sending us this!) () $ Fri May 9, The Chapel, SF: Nels Cline Singers () FREE May 13 7pm City Lights Books presents Ken Knabb & his new translation of The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord. bopsecrets.org/cat.htm () FREE May 15 City Lights Bookstore, 7pm: Gabrielle Selz presents Unstill Life about her father Peter Selz and the art world () FREE May 22 7pm Chris Felver shares his new book of photography, American Jukebox (musicians he has photographed) () $ May 23 on: Opera Plaza presents AI WEIWEI THE FAKE CASE... (RE/SEARCH recommends...) () $10 Fri May 30, 7pm/8pm Steven Wolf Gallery/Stranded presents Richard Pinhas w/Matt Baldwin richard-pinhas psychicarts.bandcmap/ () $ but worth it!! Fri June 6 on, Opera Plaza, Cinemas, SF: Scandinavian Punk Film by Lukas Moodysson: WE ARE THE BEST! It’s the early 1980s in Stockholm and everyone says punk is dead—but that doesn’t stop two rebellious 13-year-old girls from starting a punk band. Tomboyish, bespectacled Bobo (Mira Barkhammar) and brassy Klara (Mira Grosin), who sports a mohawk, are outsiders and best friends. On the spur of the moment, to claim the rehearsal space from an annoying heavy-metal guy band who forgot to sign up for it, they announce that they are forming a punk band. They have no instruments and no musical talent—so what? Attitude is all. Their first song is the heartfelt “Hate the Sport!”—an energetic attack on their school’s P.E. policy, combined with naively expressed Cold War anxiety. Eventually it dawns on them that at least one member of the group should have some musical talent, so they recruit another outsider, shy but talented guitarist and devout Christian Hedwig (Liv LeMoyne) to join the band. Sweet and appealing, WE ARE THE BEST! earns its exclamation point with a hilarious yet honest and touching portrait of the spirit of youth. Based on a graphic novel, WE ARE THE BEST! is a paean to DIY culture and the power of rebellion. RE/SEARCH will see this PUNK ROCK film!! magpictures/wearethebest/ magpictures/profile.aspx?id=869d4c3f-f6b5-4aec-8f39-019d3bef7b65 “A JOYOUS TIME CAPSULE. Captures the DIY empowerment of punk rock and the bond of female friendships in one blissful swoop. For those of us whove been hoping that Lukas Moodysson would return to the tender touch of early movies like Show Me Love and Together, the wait is over.” – David Fear, Village Voice “OVERWHELMINGLY COMPASSIONATE. A joyous celebration of youth, friendship and rebellion. There is boundless joy to be found in watching the girls’ thunderously confident first steps towards punk superstardom.” – Tom Huddleston, Time Out The running time is 102 minutes; it is not rated. In Swedish; fully subtitled in English. Digital images are at: magpictures/presskit.aspx?id=869d4c3f-f6b5-4aec-8f39-019d3bef7b65 Landmark’s Opera Plaza Cinemas, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco (415)771-0183 Landmark’s Shattuck Cinemas, 2230 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley (510) 644-2992 landmarktheatres () $ June 24 DEVO! Fox Theatre, Oakland - Probably the Most Original, Conceptual, Quirky Punk band of all time, so... () FREE Mon June 30, 7pm: filmmaker Doug Wendt film show/Q&A at Canyon Show, 16 Sherman St. () $ July 7-8, Warfield, SF: NICK CAVE & The Bad Seeds... Nuff said! 4. What Weve Attended or WANTED to Attend/What Weve Been Reading/Seeing/Listening to/What Weve Been Sent/Given, or Seen () If someone would send us a copy of CAPITAL in the 21st Century, we would be happy to Review It! This book has inspired a perfect storm of commentary, criticism and contributory-augmentation-to-his-theory... Google it! () John Sulak, our partner in putting together the RE/Search MODERN PAGANS book, recently had his book THE WIZARD AND THE WITCH published by Llewellyn Press. Sadly, MORNING GLORY, a star of this book, recently entered a hospice. (Sing a Pagan song for her!) () Jon Savage, who sent us interviews from the U.K. for V. Vales SEARCH & DESTROY magazine (11 issues, still available from researchpubs) recently had a film made of his book, TEENAGE - heres an article: theguardian/film/video/2014/jan/22/jon-savage-teenage-video-interview () We would like to check out the gi-normous fiction work by Karl Ove Knausgard: a 6-volume work titled MY STRUGGLE. Or, at least the first volume! () IMPOSSIBLE LIGHT about the Bay Lights project played outdoors on the roof of the Exploratorium last night, where you could see the actual Bay Lights on the Oakland-Bay Bridge while viewing the film. It was a very special San Francisco experience. Filmmaker Jeremy Ambers, project instigator Ben Davis, project manager Amy Critchett (with family Mark Pauline & son Jake Eddie in tow), Timothy Childs of Tcho Chocolate fame (who engineered something ingenious to help make it all work), and others involved in project were in attendance. We see the artistry of Leo Villareal every evening on the bridge. You can see the film at the Roxie May 8th. 5. RECOMMENDED LINKS (send some!) () from Skot A: bbc/news/science-environment-26925271 thisisnthappiness/post/83071012072/ikea () from R.U. Sirius: stealthissingularity () from V in London: brainpickings.org/index.php/2014/02/05/william-s-burroughs-on-creativity?utm_content=bufferbd125&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer https://twitter/stevesilberman/status/456811045126799360/photo/1 ubu/historical/burroughs/William_S_Burroughs___Brion_Gysin_-_3rd_Mind.pdf () from James M: latimes/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-painting-worth-millions-trash-hong-kong-20140410,0,5097053.story?utm_campaign=linkbox_override&utm_source=wwwlatimes&utm_content=section#axzz2zG1dwxMR () from Kal Spelletich: https://youtube/watch?v=AYrXWe5Xpiw During May 2014, Kal has a machine installation at The Battery, 717 Battery/Broadway, SF. () Listen to Savage Republic: (new LP out, BTW) https://soundcloud/search/sounds?q%5Bfulltext%5D=savage+republic&q%5Btype%5D&q%5Bduration%5D () from Mike D: Super spin washing machine goes nuts () from Karen M: instagram/p/nUJEC2vXR8/ () from Joanne B: https://indiegogo/projects/solar-what-a-difference-a-light-makes-help-me-tell-the-story () from G.K.: https://twitter/DamienFahey laughs!!! 6. QUOTATIONS () Technology is outpacing morality, and our ability to deal with it. Were not in a position to control it; it controls US. —George () A tsunami of social and technological change is making everybody uneasy. —Lawrence __ () Life is Time Management and then youre dead. —V. Vale () Fast, Dirty and Cheap —filmmaking quote from Peter Sempel () The [Battery] Library: Spirituality and Honesty in the Age of Evolutionary Theory and Neuroscience. Hmm... () The New Rapture: Waiting for the Internet to DIE... —unknown improv idea () inspiring is a word used by people who arent doing too much. (Who said this?!) () Your subconscious is your best friend —V. Vale () ...shocked, amused, impressed, and sickened—in that order. [typical reaction to snark-culture] () Music reminds me why I live... so do people, children, animals, art and writing! —Felice T. () How fast can you do QUALITY work?! —unknown () You identify with something arcane, and it gives you distinction. —unknown () songs performed by Carol Doda: All of Me, Witchcraft, Thats Life! () Thats genius of you—to recognize genius! —unknown () Most crimes are crimes of opportunity. —a North Beach policeman () The chief enterprise of Human Nature is crime. —Gerald V. Casale () Those were the days, my friend/We thought theyd never end. —song lyric, favorite () Were here to change... —Danielle Neu 7. LETTERS FROM READERS: () Vale, Good to see you at the ... Sorry to hear you didnt much like The Man in the High Castle. But, nice nab on the paperback copy with the original cover art! In the early 60s Philip K. Dick was trying to break out of the SciFi ghetto into mainstream fiction. He had tried (and failed to succeed) with a number of other mainstream novels in the 10 years prior. I think he didnt want to make TMitHC too fantastic for fear it would not be marketed as mainstream. The publisher Putnam called it an electrifying novel of how our world might have been. So, he pioneered the whole category of alternate history novels. 2 of my favorite PK Dick novels are: Ubik and Martian Timeslip. Neither have been mined by Hollywood yet. You might also enjoy the epic poem Moderan by David R. Bunch. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_R._BunchBut... It is hard to find in print -- amazon/Moderan-David-R-Bunch/dp/B002TJT4LG —Matt S. 8. **SPONSORS** (Without them you would NOT be receiving this newsletter - Please go to their websites!) BTW, a personal thanks to our pal Dave S. If you would like to subscribe, we ask for a 6-month minimum of $66. (But, we will take sponsorships @$11/month!) 1. DIANE DI PRIMA! The Beat Legend sponsored us for 6 months - THANK YOU, DIANE! [x10/14) 2. 47 Canal Street (Gallery w/events, NYC) - 47CanalStreet go visit & say RE/Search sent you! 3. Emerald Tablet (Gallery w/events), Fresno Alley (100 feet from RE/Search! in North Beach). emtab.org - lots of free or low cost local community events; check out their schedule! emtab.org/ - theyre open during First Fridays North Beach Art Walk... (x12/14) 4. Dave S. - Thank You! 5. METASONIX: Since 1999, the worlds only maker of vacuum-tube music synthesizers. metasonix 6. From our friends Amy and Brian - they have a new software in the works, watch for it! tastysnakes 7. V. Vales RE/Search Newsletter is cordially sponsored by Beyond the Beyond.Information Wants To Be Free WE MEAN IT MAN! $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 blog.wired/sterling 8. SOPHIAGASPARIAN fine art about equal human rights worldwide 9. Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company - Penelope Rosemont, Chicago Surrealist Group founder. (x5/15) 10. Kevin OMalley+Christie Dames, the High-Heeled Anarchist: TechTalk/Studio: techtalkstudio + Commonwealth Club, San Francisco. (x4/15) 11. Emily Armstrong/Pat Ivers pioneering 1st generation NYC 1975-80 punk videos! gonightclubbing see em yourself @ NYU Fales Library Downtown Collection, debut: Oct 2013 12. The doomfiles: obsidianrook/doomfiles/UNINTENDED.html MAY 2014 RE/Search eNewsletter #126 written by V. Vale & other contributors. RE/Search website poweredbylaughingsquid. Add us (info@researchpubs) to Your Address Book++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Physical Address since May 1979: RE/SEARCH | 20 Romolo #B | San Francisco CA 94133-4041 | 415.362.1465researchpubs | myspace/researchpubs | info@researchpubs facebook: RE/Search Fan Page twitter: @valeRESearchRE/Search Publications20 Romolo Place #BSan Francisco, CA 94133-4041(415) 362-1465info@researchpubsresearchpubs RE/Search Publications 20 Romolo Place #B San Francisco, CA 94133-4041 (415) 362-1465 info@researchpubs researchpubs
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 00:21:05 +0000

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