WHAT HAPPENS TO A DREAM DEFERRED? I have written several - TopicsExpress


WHAT HAPPENS TO A DREAM DEFERRED? I have written several articles about complexion racism in America. What surprises me is how little we understand about complexion racism and the Eugenic, scientific, and Social Darwinism forms of racism and how deeply subconscious these forms of racism are. I asked my students their views on Racism and they were of the opinion that it was an external psychosis rather then internal. T They were of the opinion that racism is not being allowed to live where one wishes; attend school where one wishes; use of public facilities where one wishes; or ones choice of clothing. As I tried to explain to them that these were all external rather then internal symptoms of a much greater or potentially greater problem. Like having a cold that turns to chills, body aches, headaches and we are of the opinion that we have the flu, but once these symptoms are diagnosis; it is determined that we have cancer. Our children with sagging pants; lacking command of the English language; high unemployment; breakdown of the family structure; higher then normal illiteracy rates are all but symptoms of a cancerous growth with in the United States Social dynamics. During World War II in the Social Ghettos of the Jews - IN NAZI GERMANY , once they were contained, and constantly bombarded by negative propaganda, subject to negative imagery, high unemployment, economic and political disenfranchisement, we see similar psychosis, neurosis, depressive anxiety disorders, depravity and family and social order maladies we find in the African American Communities. Within four yrs of occupation - not 400 yrs of similar distress and propaganda that the African American Community has undergone. Many of us have forgotten that we are but 51 yrs. from the Civil Rights movement or from the most oppressive conditions - next to physical slavery - this country had to offer. In real terms we are but 39 yrs. from a significant Middle Class in the African American Community and if we remove the declining yrs. of the Black Middle Class we are but 22 yrs. Within that 51 yrs. the unemployment disparity between the Caucasian and African American Youth has remained 30:1. For every 30 Caucasian child employed between the ages of 18-25 one (1) African American Child is employed. The employment disparity rate between the two groups as a whole has remained, using the official stat - Black Unemployment rate has remained twice that of white unemployment for over 50 yrs.. Unofficially, the numbers are much higher. In the neighborhood of 3 times as greater, if one understands how unemployment figures are calculated. But we constantly wish to attribute complexion racism to external rather then internal measures. Remember in the above analogy of the symptoms of a cold that upon closer examination was cancer. Upon closer examination the symptoms being attributed to the Lack of African Americans progression need to be examine, not with an external barometer, but with a battery of test, in order to reach a diagnosis rather then an assumption based upon external symptoms. As in the example with those who suffered four yrs or less of Nazi propaganda are still showing physiological and psychological symptoms from their abuse, how much so for the African American. If it is reasonable to attribute their - the Jew - symptoms to this sickness, how much more reasonable to attribute the sickness we see in the African American Community to our occupation. The United States has contributed trillions of dollars to Israel for their recovery and many African Americans dare not question the continued relief being given, but when it comes to the African American many are - especially the African American delivering this message - that the African American in America are but meandering marauders, some form of parasitic infection upon the American Dream. This view is not new amongst us. It has been expressed of the African American Culture by African Americans and Caucasians for centuries, Expressly by those who have achieved a marginal success on the backs of the masses of Black exploitation. They have been told that they are different and wishes to legitimatize that differences through their accomplishments independent of Black Suffering. They wish to divest themselves of the stigma that their accomplishments are the results of the Civil Rights Movement; rather then due to their own initiatives. To do so they must distance themselves as far as applicable from the African American Community and the Mass poverty, social dysfunction and complexion racism as possible. We must be careful in our subjective analysis of the African America conditioning based on subjective reasoning and not in objective facts. It is to easy for us to look at the condition and reason the cause, rather then to examine the cause and effect with empirical data that either proves or disproves or hypothesis. It is subjective to look at rising water and assume that the damn has burst or that such rising is due to a greater amount of rain fall then usual. We must investigate, gather data, make inquires, examine the damn before reaching conclusions based in the rising of the water. A Poet once asked the question: WHAT HAPPENS TO A DREAM DEFERRED? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? We must ask ourselves this question concerning the billions of African Americans unable to realize their dreams in American of freedom, justice and equality. We must examined the billions of African Americans that have been trapped in the ghettos of NAZI AMERICA with empathy rather then judgement and criticism. We must view their condition as a condition of war, rather then a condition of racism. We must view racism as an attack on the subconscious rather then an economic paradigm. What has happen to this deferred people; have we dried up like raisins in the sun; festering running pustule sores; have we become stinking meat, crusted and sugar over like rotten meat, like a syrupy sweet; r we sagging, burden down with a heavy load, when will we explode? GOOD NIGHT AND GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:21:04 +0000

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