WHY FORM GODLINESS, WHEN YOU CAN ACTUALLY BE GODLY? I meet lots of people in my Counseling Room who do not really realize that God is not just an imagination of their mind, but more real than anyone they have and will ever meet. I can understand when you say “I KNOW ABOUT GOD”, but when you say “I KNOW HIM”, then that’s a different ball game entirely, because the truth is: you can’t know Him, and not want to give Him your life, and take His in exchange for yours. A lot of us have met people that we fell in love with, and were willing to change our lifestyles for them. Some of us, who never liked Football before, are now fanatics of football, just because we fell in love with someone who does. Some of us who never liked anything socials, can’t wait now for Friday Evening, because we know then we can go to the Club and dance till the day breaks, just because we fell in love with someone who loves to socialize. Some of us who never use to dress well, and can’t be bothered about STYLE, now have become the talk of the town, because our dress sense is amazing and fabulous to say the least, and this is as a result of meeting and falling in love with someone who does not compromise his/her taste in Fashion. I can go on with the list of how most of us have changed one way or the other, just because we fell in love with someone with a particular lifestyle that was previously different from ours, but were willing to change, because we preferred their lives and ways to ours. And if that is true, then it means that 1) we are capable of change, 2) we can allow ourselves to be influenced when we meet someone who we consider to have a Lifestyle Superior to ours, 3) these changes happen with little or no help at all from those whose lifestyles we are trying to imbibe, but with all our efforts, and yet we make it happen, because we are in love. Now the question is; can we truly be in love with God and not want to be like Him, not consider His Ways to be far better than ours, and not begin to prefer His Atmosphere to ours? Can we truly love Him and want to remain in darkness when He is Light and there is NO DARKNESS IN HIM at all? One Experience I have about God is you can’t meet Him, and your life remains the same. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. You can’t behold the BEAUTY OF HIS HOLINESS, and not DESPISE the way you have been living your life. Holiness is not about the “don’ts” or “thou shall nots”, it is far from that. Holiness is about: BEING FREE TO LIVE YOUR LIFE HIGHER THAN ANYTHING THAT WILL WANT TO TURN YOU INTO A SLAVE. IT IS ABOUT BECOMING ORIGINAL, AND NOT A FAKE. IT IS ABOUT LIVING THE LIFE GOD HAS CREATED YOU FOR, AND NOT PRETENDING TO BE LIVING IT. IT IS ABOUT BEING “GODLY” BECAUSE YOU HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH GOD, IT IS NOT ABOUT BEING YAHOO YAHOOLY, RUNS GIRLY, CHURCH ACTIVITYLY, I MUST MARRY THIS YEAR OTHERWISELY, I WILL FIND HAPPINESS OUTSIDE MY MARRIAGELY, ETC ly. IT IS ABOUT HAVING RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY which is missing qualities in the lives of those who claim to know Him. We don’t need to FORM GODLINESS, when we can actually be Godly. When I listen to the way people are living their lives as DOUBLE in Counseling Sessions, I encourage them to know they can actually have a Single life, and that is the one God ORINALLY MADE THEM FOR. And the beautiful part is God is there to make it happen for us when we go after Him like we have gone after our boyfriends and girlfriends who have despite all, treated us SO BADLY!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 09:36:13 +0000

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