WHY I TEACH YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL My name is Hal Acree and I teach - TopicsExpress


WHY I TEACH YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL My name is Hal Acree and I teach 7th/8th Grade Sunday here at CUMC. I have been coming here with my wife Crystal and youngest daughter Hallee for a couple of years and started teaching about a year ago. When I was in sixth grade back in 1972, my family moved from Detroit to Louisville in the middle of the school year. The next 3 years were the hardest of my life, and I can still touch the pain I felt as a 7th grader even now. Middle School is a difficult time under the best of circumstances, and after parenting four kids through middle school I can tell you, it is truly tough growing up. I know that kids today, and especially teen agers, need a safe place where they are accepted, encouraged, and challenged. Sunday School can be that place. When Grant asked me to teach, my knee jerk reaction was I am too busy and have too much going on already, I don’t know many people at church, and I wasnt even a member. To say that I spent hours praying through the decision would be a stretch, but my strong desire to take a pass was offset by what I can only describe as a stronger feeling that I shouldnt. Ultimately, it occurred to me that I was indeed too busy and had too much going on not just to teach, but to study, pray, meditate, and invest myself in the Faith Community I worshiped with. Teaching gave me a place to plug in and a reason outside myself to spend time on the important things that give life meaning. There are a number of opportunities to make a difference in the lives of Youth today at CUMC including Sunday School leadership, and I have gotten a lot out of the experience personally. If you like me would like a place to plug in and have a positive impact on the lives of our kids, I encourage you to reach out to Grant and find your place with us.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:48:16 +0000

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