We are nigerians and Mr. President is there to protect our - TopicsExpress


We are nigerians and Mr. President is there to protect our interest.......Sheikh Kabiru Gombe. These were the words of the Secretary General of the so called JIBWIS, Sheikh Kabiru Gombe during the first annual Conference of Ahlus-Sunnah of Nigeria held in Lagos yesterday. While speaking during the so called conference, he commended President Jonathan for signing the Anti-gay bill into law. Then he added that the president is there to protect our interest. This statement of yours Sheikh have put many questions to people like me,the questions include the following: 1. You told us that you only invited President Jonathan to receive his counterpart from Niger Republic not that he have any connection with the conference. Then if it is so, why the need to commend him there? 2. You said that he is there to protect our interest, IS HE PROTECTING OUR INTEREST? Is the bloodsheding in Muslim communities our interest? Is regionalism our interest? Is godfatherism our interest? 3. Sheikh, you called it a Conference. As defined by the 6th Edition of the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, a Conference is A large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views. Are you having the same work or interest with President Jonathan? You only had a single session, why dont it last for days to be qualified to be called a Conference? What have you discussed there? Have you issued any Communique at the end? Please provide us with the list of religious organisations present with their representatives! 4. You mentioned its theme to be Peace and Unity. Why havent you unite the JIBWIS factions? As of Peace, you should have called on the President to look at the security situation in the Country. But rather, we were disappointed by seeing you recommending GEJ but cant call his attention to his lapses! Are you representing JIBWIS? NO! You have represented your interest NOT OURS! 5. Some people were saying that the Conference is Politically motivated, IS IT TRUE? The way you have recommended Jonathan without showing him his lapses put us in dilemma! To conclude, Sheikh, please clarify your statement! If it is true that you are supporting GEJ Presidential bid, beware of coming to us with such proposals! Please clarify your statement!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 10:24:52 +0000

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