We looked at these statistics earlier today. Half of all people - TopicsExpress


We looked at these statistics earlier today. Half of all people diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales today will survive the disease, Britain’s leading research charity Cancer Research UK has said, in a landmark announcement which experts have hailed as a “tipping point” in the global fight against cancer. Using the largest and most up-to-date set of statistics on cancer treatment and survival available anywhere in the world, Cancer Research UK have been able to estimate that 50 per cent of patients who were diagnosed in 2010-11 will survive for 10 years – effectively meaning that they have been cured. The Food Doctor recommends: Broccoli This green leafy vegetable is part of the cruciferous family, and contains a compound known as I3C. It is believed that I3C repairs the proteins responsible for passing on genetic information to the next generation of cells. If this process is interfered with, then it may increase the risk of cancer developing and getting hold. Include a daily portion of broccoli, cabbage, kale or sprouts for your daily dose. Turmeric This herb contains the active compound, curcumin. Research has shown curcumin has considerable anti-oxidant properties, making it relevant for the quickly replicating cells, which can experience DNA damage. This may lead to tumour formation. Again, the exact actions need more research, so for now, include it in your curries for flavour and health.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 18:00:01 +0000

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