We received this testimony after our evening service tonight in - TopicsExpress


We received this testimony after our evening service tonight in Hayward. It was such a blessing to hear this! ---------------- Everything you said to Jordan tonight was on point. I just had his parent/teacher conference last week and she said hes a very smart kid in all areas but hes distracted, all over the place and doesnt stay focus. He has two desks in the classroom, one by her desk where hes alone and his other desk with his group when hes on good behavior and on task. I know hes a handful (I had to apologize to his teacher for having to experience that) and I thank God everyday for making me strong enough physically and mentally to handle him, but its gets tiring on my body and causes a huge strain on our relationship. I ask God for guidance all the time for all three of my boys especially with them not having a father in their lives, but they know and believe Jesus is the father they have and can turn to always and forever, and I hold on to the hope and promise that the right man of God will eventually step in physically. Im glad I got revelation on why hes so confrontational and pushy. I know a lot of it has to do with being the youngest sibling but I never knew the effect of what happened early on in his life was that huge on him since he was so young when his father decided not to take part in his life which was around 2yrs old (hes 8 now). Even though hes a handful, he still is a very kind hearted, giving, compassionate boy. I know God is going to use him in a mighty way because he does have the gift of gab and he understands so much of Gods Word now at a young age already. He rather be in services learning and hearing the Word than being in Sunday school. I know hes listening and learning, and not just sitting in there, he actually asks a lot of questions and reflects on his life during the messages. The $3 he gave you tonight was a blessing he received earlier in the day for helping out with the kids at bible studies on Friday night. While you were giving him his word you could feel his little heart pounding through his chest and his hands where so sweaty. You were tugging on his heart strings. After the word you gave him he was like mom how did he know my name? And how did he know about my behavior at school, did you talk to him? Lol. I told him no, he hears from God and remember God knows and sees everything! After that he whipped out his $3 out his pocket and says mom I want to give him this for an offering. I said ok if thats whats on your heart do it. So he grabbed an envelope and filled it out all by himself. I was like wow! Its amazing how kids know how to respond to God and those He uses. Jordan gave all that he had and it was HIS money not mine that he gave so freely with no wavering or hesitation. He kept asking me if the service was almost over because he so badly wanted to hand you that envelope. He actually asked me who your wife was because he was going to ask her to give it to you lol, but then he handed you the tissue for Nehemiah and was like that wasnt too bad. Thanks for speaking to my little boy, I know his spirit badly needed to hear from God and it was right on time! Many blessings on you and your family and will see you again soon.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:44:51 +0000

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