We were trained by the slave master to literally eat fecal matter - TopicsExpress


We were trained by the slave master to literally eat fecal matter aka "dookie". What is the nutritional value in eating animal waste? They thought so little of us, this is the scraps our ancestors were given and they had to make a meal out of it. We have a choice now to eat better food. Break the mental shackles of slavery. Think more of yourself and only eat the best foods. You are what you eat! HARMFUL EFFECTS OF EATING PORK With regard to the physical harm caused by eating pork, modern science has proved a number of things, such as the following: Pork is regarded as one of the kinds of meat that contain the most cholesterol, an increase of which in the bloodstream leads to an increased likelihood of blocked arteries. The fatty acids in pork are also of an unusual formation, when compared with the fatty acids in other types of food, which makes them more easily absorbed by the body, thus increasing cholesterol levels. Pork meat and pork fat contribute to the spread of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate and blood. Pork meat and pork fat contribute to obesity and related diseases that are difficult to treat. Eating pork leads to scabies, allergies and stomach ulcers. Eating pork causes lung infections which result from tapeworms, lungworms and microbial infections of the lungs. The doctors have confirmed that the most serious danger of eating pork is that pork contains tapeworms. The growth of its eggs in the human body may lead to insanity and hysteria if they grow in the area of the brain. If they grow in the region of the heart, it may lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks. It may develop in the small intestine and after several months may grow into a large worm whose body is composed of a thousand segments, with a length of 4-10 meters, which lives alone in the intestine of the infected person and part of it may appear when he defecates. When the pig swallows and ingests its eggs, they enter the tissues and muscles in the form of larvae sacs containing fluid and the head of the tapeworm.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:34:45 +0000

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