Week Eight Congratulations! You’ve made it to your eighth week - TopicsExpress


Week Eight Congratulations! You’ve made it to your eighth week of FXB. We have 10 with perfect attendance….37 at 90% attendance or better. That’s OUTSTANDING! As a seasoned FXBer, I’m spotting the big results now. I’m seeing brighter smiles, sassier banter, and a whole bunch of POWER on the bags. You’ve got this “muscle failure” thing figured out. At this point, the way you’re feeling is propelling you to the next level. THIS message is for those of you who are feeling discouraged. I’m writing this to those of you who had high hopes that have been deflated for any number of reasons. I want you to know that I am here for YOU. I have enormous respect for the individuals who find the drive to return to the program, at this point, after falling off track. Yesterday one of you returned to class after missing a week and my spirit is soaring….I’m SO proud of you! Life has a way of throwing obstacles in the way of our plans......our goals, our dreams. It just does. Those that truly succeed are the ones who persevere despite the obstacles. The key to that perseverance is understanding why that plan, those goals…..your dream…..is important to you. You enrolled in FXB to get in better shape……but WHY do you want to be in “better shape?” I’m going to go out on a limb and take a stab at that. In this culture we respect hard work. We Midwesterners are known for our work ethic. We are industrious……..productive…… We take pride in that. And we respect it in others. Tom Hanks put it this way, “If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great.” A strong, lean body is a reflection of the life lived inside that body. We respect the fact that the person inside a well-cared-for body made sacrifices in order to achieve that level of fitness. We know, especially now that we’ve been working at it for eight weeks, that fitness doesn’t come easy. It comes from doing the work, fueling well, drinking water and getting proper rest……day after day after day. It comes from getting back on track when life throws you a curve ball. It comes from making the healthy choice instead of the easy choice. I want you to be that person. I want to help you achieve that goal and to garner that respect from others. The coolest part of this journey is in the emotional and psychological rewards you earn from the work you put in. For me, this is the most gratifying part of my job. Yeah, it’s cool to see pounds and inches lost, but seeing the gains in self-confidence and self-respect is far more meaningful because I know that my member is now a better version of themselves than they were before. You become a better mom or dad, a better teacher or steel worker…. sister, brother …….friend. And so…………….to those of you who have disappeared. Come back. Finish this course and enroll in a few months of FIT to reach the goals I know you have. All you have to do is call me (770-5600) and do the work. You just need to PERSEVERE. Let me know how I can help. Anything. Any time. From my heart, Susan
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:31:21 +0000

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