Weekly forecast: December 28, 2014 - January 3, 2015 This is a - TopicsExpress


Weekly forecast: December 28, 2014 - January 3, 2015 This is a transition week, moving from 2014 to 2015, and the cards are clearly reflecting that. The Three of Wands provides a sense of waiting, but more than that, a sense that the wait is almost over. Your ship is coming in, just a tiny bit longer, so be sure youre ready for the changes it will bring. The next two cards, the Nine of Wands and the Ten of Cups really cement the transition from 2014 to 2015. Nines signal the end of a cycle, Tens that transition to the next cycle. With that Nine of Wands, were reminded that 2014 has been a fiery sort of year; lots of burning going on. It was a 7 year Numerologically, and 7 years are all about Breaking Down. This tends to show itself in break ups, breakdowns, loss, societal upheaval, and lots of personal turmoil. 7 is about shedding the old, that which either doesnt really work for you anymore or will hold you back, so that you can move forward lighter and more free to fully embrace your path. Theres a great deal of pain associated with 7 years; even if its something we need to shed from our lives, as is usually the case, it hurts. 2014 has been a hard year on many levels. Weve seen a great deal of upheaval globally, but the turmoil has also been there on a personal and business level as well. The Ten of Cups, a water card, tells us that were transitioning into a period of healing. This is going to be a time of rest, as we prepare for the growth that the 8 year of 2015 will bring us. We went through the crapstorm of 2014 for a reason; we need to clear out the junk that was holding us back for the momentum that will come in 2015. Rest this week. Dont try to force yourself to be busy. Its still the holiday season, no need to rush, as this next year is going to feel like a whirlwind of activity and abundance, so you need to be super careful about conserving your energy. Take the time to celebrate the transition, and declare gratitude for the lessons of 2014, then open yourself up to what is to come. Now is a really good time to do some clearing exercises, energetically, mentally, and even physical. Dont wait for spring cleaning; get to it now. You need to make room for the energy thats coming into play; this was part of why 2014 was all about shedding things, losing things. If youve got too much clutter, whether its physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, theres no room for the amazing new things that are in store for you. Thats it for this week. Ill see you next year!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:16:42 +0000

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