Welcome ! Before you go ahead and download your free guide, I - TopicsExpress


Welcome ! Before you go ahead and download your free guide, I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to read this email, I promise you that the information you will receive from me will be beneficial and most defiantly worth while. My name is James Dawborn and I am qualified peak performance coach with over 10 years of professional experience in making a difference in peoples lives. Im not just a motivational coach, Im also focused on creating life transforming results. I want to know why we do the things we do, what are our internal beliefs that set us all apart from each other. Life is there for your taking, and I am really excited about having this opportunity to share some amazing insights that Im certain will help skyrocket your confidence, enhance your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses. With your permission I want to share with you my own knowledge and experiences through a series of emails that will follow on from today, I think youre going to absolutely love them! I think it is very important right from the Get GO to instantly demand a positive change in your life and make a powerful move in being better and stronger with your emotional states. Along with some fantastic and interesting topics I have devised a 4 week basic plan which includes some great tools you can use straight away and implement into your life. From time to time I will also be emailing you Free downloads and gifts that I think are worth taking a look at and having in your collection. Each gift sent out is completely optional and entirely up to you if you like what you see, there is no obligation to buy anything. So without further a do, Id like to talk with you about the #1 factor that I believe can instantly unlock your hidden door to success. Weve all heard the statement power believed is power achieved. If we take some time to think about some of the greatest figures in society over the last fifty years or so, we can see that they all share one critical trait: an unshakeable belief in themselves and what they have accomplished. It is this very same can-do attitude that has driven ordinary men and women to achieve extraordinary things. But, what separates them from the rest of us? Are they somehow biologically different? Did fate alone predetermine their ultimate success in life? Should we accept this belief, life would be very boring indeed. Rather than some predisposition for success, fame, or glory, they all had an incredible sense of justified reinforced confidence. Confidence is that often times elusive trait that gives a person the ability to get up on stage and give a masterfully prepared speech to a crowd who returns with a standing ovation. It helps us look forward to that job promotion with a sense of eager anticipation; waiting for the challenges that will come with a higher responsibility. It separates a group leader from the other members who sit on the sidelines with much to contribute but lacking the confidence to open their mouths. While these examples and many more can be given, it must be observed that all of these attributes are the results of a confidence and self-assurance that has been cultivated and developed from within, only later to shine through. Each of us can be our own best friend or our own worst enemy. The choice has always been up to us. It is one thing to have a dream. It is an entirely different matter to have the courage to take the first step down a long and unpredictable road. The belief in ourselves is essential for any journey to begin. To undertake the grand adventure of life without having confidence is akin to setting sail on a boat with a hole in the bottom. We are doomed to fail before we have begun. However, if we begin the same journey well-prepared and ready to accept any challenge that may be waiting down the line, then through this belief great things can be achieved. To possess a strong belief in our own abilities can have very real consequences. Numerous studies have shown that when a confident individual is placed in a negative or high-anxiety situation, he will perform better than a similar individual lacking a high-level of self esteem(2). This, in turn, breeds a higher level of confidence when success is found and the exact opposite for the person whose esteem levels have always been low. High confidence levels directly relate to lower levels of depression and anxiety. The overall mental outlook tends to be more positive and when presented with either a small or large life-affecting event, the confident person is more likely to adapt and overcome, growing rather than shrinking from the experience. Even with life-threatening illnesses, to maintain an overall positive and confident outlook in the face of adversity can equate to the difference between life and death. Most importantly, the more confident a person is, the less he or she is afraid of failure. To not be afraid to fail gives this individual certain distinct advantages. They may be aware of more choices they have rather than limiting themselves due to fear. Even if, in the end, they do not succeed, they are more likely to view the entire experience as constructive and educational for future choices. They typically bounce back, dust themselves off, and prepare for the next adventure. Though seemingly superhuman in such abilities, to develop these same traits is not as hard as it may sound. It is simply a question of developing a more positive self-image which we can then project into our everyday lives. Enjoy the good times. If that promotion is awarded, treat yourself. Recognise your achievements and allow yourself to feel pride. There is nothing wrong with ego; in fact, it is this very same ego and self-worth which can be the only difference between success and failure. By celebrating achievement we reinforce the very act of achieving and embrace our hard work and dedication. Thank you again for taking the time to read this message, I hope you join me again soon when I discuss another topic that I know will give you a fresh insight into the world of self improvement. Also as promised , here is your free download :) clicks.aweber/y/ct/?l=GMbIg&m=3vrBUuIdW6oY_y8&b=SCKv3kRwS9OA6YMdNdsrMA Enjoy and take care
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:34:53 +0000

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