Well, I think there is some apologizing that needs to happen. I - TopicsExpress


Well, I think there is some apologizing that needs to happen. I love my wife and thank God she is the Wise and Godly woman she is. My heart and spirit long for 3 things: 1.) To grow closer to the Lord everyday. 2.) To grow closer in my relationship and be the Godly example, husband, and father I need to be. 3.) To see students grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord. I want so much for them to experience the mature faith with God that I know they can have. To my detriment though, I can be a little overly demanding of them and push a little too hard too fast. The problem comes in the way I handle that situation; I have a tendency to blowup and get angry. That absolutely does not help them in their walk and it pushes some away. I have been a little rough on our students the last couple of months. There has been at least 3 times in as many weeks that I have blown up at my students. Im trying to change a culture and change mindsets and teach some discipline. 2 of them were warranted and one was borderline; however, I feel that all three could have been handled a little differently. There is a lesson that can be learned in each instance and I can learn it. I do want to apologize to all our students for my outburst and assure you I am working to change how I deal with the stressful situations. I hope that my yelling hadnt turned anyone off and that I can continue to be a part of all of your lives and help you continue to grow in your faith in a positive and enriching environment. I love you all from the bottom of heart.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:22:05 +0000

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