Well, its been a trying week, but arent we blessed to have landed - TopicsExpress


Well, its been a trying week, but arent we blessed to have landed upon the weekend once again? Heres a little piece I call Fine; wishing that you, in the face of adversity, come out feeling Fine too! Fine.. Each time he puts pen to paper, brace yourself for drama For he preaches mostly of pain, the pitiful product of Karma Is he ta gentrified genius who juxtaposes truth and lies Or the delusional degenerate who uses diction as his disguise? He’s mellow, a fellow who never got into speaking tough Lest the eavesdropping by-standers say he’s not deep enough So he writes what’s real, what he feels, but with all due respect You have heard it all before and already know what to expect “He’s writing again? Well I know what it is His classes arent going too well; I hear he’s getting these D’s Plus his job-searching doesnt seem to have paid off He picked up a couple of shifts for a week, and then he got laid off” “Well, I heard his girlfriend dumped him, played him for a punk So every night since then, he’s been out, stone-drunk Plus trouble with the family only adds to his pain Rumor has it that daddy let him down once again” “Well you know how these foreigners are, I bet you he misses home He hasnt been there in 8 years, and his mother lives alone Or maybe he’s taken a turn, and this poem is about religion Coz verily, he vocalizes his verses as if he’s had a verbal vision” But today, well, no hearts have been broken No paternal disappointments, no unpleasantries spoken in the intricacies of existence, he appears to excel If anything, he stands tall, dust-free from where he fell It feels good to smile, be alive-and as the sun shines Know that today is a day that your favorite poet feels fine!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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