Well that didnt work! Still awake! Least the snow storm isnt - TopicsExpress


Well that didnt work! Still awake! Least the snow storm isnt hitting us but wow its cold and windy! Got water boiling and grateful for my humble blessings like a real coffee pot and pretty wanna be fireplace that glows pretty and blows hot air in a camper! The universe is being kind to me! I think its for staying pure in my spirit more. Being mindful of my thoughts words and acts to change my lifestyle. All these things are manifesting around me exponentially. I may have my own land to live on this summer in Arizona or Glendale canyon. Enough to finally dig and plant. A lot more room for the grandsons to run and learn as they grow. But either way I am fine. Today is good. Whether it happens or not I am fine. My story about 20 yrs out The world is going to make it! I am 74 and so relieved I dont have to tell my kids its their job to fix my generations mess! We did it! But what a strange evolutionary journey it was! I always thought if the first president could see the world when I thought wed never make it back in 2014 and I was 54, with all the arctics methane gas releasing, ice caps melting, oil drilling to pay debts on interest that was criminal just like Washington warned us about in his letter from 1787, hed somehow have sent a djedi in to save us. But if he could have, he would have just knocked off President Woodrow Wilson for signing us over to the Federal Reserve back in the thirties so I knew that wasnt happening . (Note from Washington:But if in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy. Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body. They prey on the vitals and ultimately destroy them. Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice. , George Washington in a letter to Jabez Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787) So hallelujah! Its my youngest daughters birthday in two days, Steve Jobs Day, and my grandkids and great grandkids are all going to be here soon! In retrospect, its too bad they couldnt have harvested an organ for Steve Jobs other than a worldwide controversy from other than a death row Siberian or Chinese inmate (I am too old to recall) but somehow, somehow we got really blessed with his presence and his mentoring for future generations. Funny his name was Jobs but he didnt even allot a salary for himself at the end he just gave it all away because he saw no value in an abundance he could never use in his lifetime so he paid it forward while he was still living. That was really unusual back then. Except for the movement called the decadethatmadethedifference. At first I was hesitant. I mean who gives just to give and never expects to have anything come back? I know I had given in the consecrated path way of service work feeding people in Vegas. My 20 years in the USAF was altruistic at the time for me but I later learned wasnt for our leaders. They had corporate agendas. But that was my time and this was money. Its not that money meant that much to me, but it sure did to everyone else. I never liked money for the sake of money itself just what I could do with it. Like something for my kids and not be desperate to survive myself. Then I saw who was in the start up staff of thedecadethatmadethedifference and knowing her well I knew my scholar friend was far too keen for any scheme. Besides, you have to start in order to begin and if not then when? If not there where? If not me who? So I began. I decided to begin and called into Thedecadethatmadethedifference. My friend was a Zeitgeist loyalist I knew could sniff out a phony philanthropist an astronomical unit or two away. So I dialed in to talk and glad I did. I then went on a journey to England and met some billionaires a few months later. At first I had this David and Goliath emotion or dragon slayer spirit activated at the mere thought of meeting the 1%. I found out billionaires were just as human as me. Found out they had feelings like me too. Found out they could be scared shitless like me too. Found out that just like me they refused to resign to defeat and wanted to start making some solutions. And so it all started. The movement I mean. The decade where everything flipped upside down. But actually we flipped right side up after having our asses face up just a little too long. Howd the world finally get it we had our heads up ours asss? The internet created unity consciousness. Everyone began asking why violence was planned instead of peace. We saw that everyone thought they were in scarcity, feared scarcity, and presented grounds to react ahead of time as well to justify violence in the name of National Security designed to protect us from scarcity. It was like an old predicable script . Every time news was announced we were supposed to have anger or fear evoked. But, the public began questioning things. How were we protecting anything with wars when everything worth protecting was being destroyed by the mechanisms we designed for the sake of protection? Values, lands, seas, air, water, and every foundational principle for which we stood as autonomous nation states around the world was slowly abolished for corporate manufacturing cheap labor camps. So things changed! Change began being brought about through mutual trust, respect, and cooperation. Healthy coalitions between foes such as police, street people, and authorities began. The change catalysts were not a one person hero but volunteer/s working in the spirit of good will not pay or praise. The outcome of success was the peoples. People were able to see what was right in the world enough to still have faith in this. I mean faith in the human heart. I think because we asked ourselves what it was about our human nature that compelled us to create forms of living environments that led to our own destruction? In our pursuit to create these former environments, we enabled forms of governance (to ensure of a peaceful co-existence) as we sought to live as comfortably as possible. And since Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Hume, Locke, Thomas Jefferson, etc. we had all searched to understand this quandary of; 1) How much governance do we need? And 2) By our human nature can we peacefully co-exist? Then when put to the test of either scenario what was right” with the world was that many humans endeavored to empower the good forces to prevail where an ideal of mutual care of one another might dominate over the need for governance. What was wrong” though as far in our evolution of higher consciousness was that our collective work over centuries to do this was not enough to resolve the footprint we had made upon one another through un/peaceful co-existence. Also, our footprint upon all other living things right down to the sediment that is the rock of the earth. It had been mutilated in a way that could be likened to pouring sulfuric acid over a rose bed. We poisoned the earth and ourselves right down to the molecules of what made water wet leaving nothing but air which could not be inhaled. Why was it that all of our collective energy to understand these questions of the ages had not culminated into a better outcome? It seemed hopeless back then. Totalitarians argued we were too incompetent for self governance. That people must be under strict rule. But then you had the case of the fox that watches the chickens. For the nature of our human ways we tried to deny emerged to corrupt supreme ruler ships posing as altruistic patriarchs neglecting matriarchal influences and racism still existed among the elites who had taken control. And even under the opportunity to set up democratic governments we still corrupted ourselves. Pursuits. leading to state capitalism by treatys had turned to corporate piracy around the globe. The bigger we became the smaller we got ethically and then other species numerically began dropping rapidly by our own self induced matricidal fratricidal genocide. Some called our existence The Matrix. Some said it was a Grand Illusion. Most all eventually, Got It that whatever the hell it was it was time to Unplug! as they said back then. All these phenomenas of imbalance existed because of misguided lavish lifestyles allowed by improper governance. We had all this eventuality occurring In spite of all of our collective good intentions throughout the ages. All our efforts had not culminated into a world that worked under either scenario. So what is the nature of human nature everyone began asking once again. And then something happened. The internet started really inspiring people to remove their view of hatred and fear because they began consciously experiencing one anothers experience as beings. I have to admit, I was very inspired by Steve Jobs who worked for honor not even collecting a salary after achieving enough to sustain himself always paying it forward and who created Apple and his Iphone which its utility capabilities enabled me to stay in contact with the world by Skype no matter where I was. I could talk to people in Russia or Sri Lanka. I could see into their eyes and share in their human moment. I could be aware of animals being tortured and how to stop it. Everything the news wasnt reporting that as a citizen of the world I cared about I could learn about thanks to Jobss invention Thats why they have Steve Jobs Day Now. Steve Jobs changed the world! Nicola Tesla would be proud of him as well as Einstein too I think! Because of this technology, a global spirit of sister and brotherhood rapidly advanced. And for those of us over 50 who got scared of computers the IPhones easy user friendly design made executive correspondences on the run so easy. As the older generation, this ease with global communication technology served us well because we realized it was our moral imperative to act swiftly for the world! To be mothers and fathers of the world not just our own children. Global connectivity was what we needed and this guy gave it to us. George Washington would have knighted Jobs and the Queen should have while he was alive! As well, perhaps the 2012 realignment of the universe and the great Mayan calendar scare boosted our momentum too lol! I mean the expedition of the noosphere of global communication via internet connecting our sense of higher consciousness where we allowed our “natural knowing” to come together in mutual care and love for everything on the planet not just humans was huge! The fact we all faced extinction ? The fact even Prince Charles laden with riches of the 1% elite announced that only by being in step with nature would we be allowed to coexist with earth much less each other on this planet? I guess it all just fell into place like the chaos of trillions of pebbles may find their way to make the beautiful gradients in the Grand Canyons rock. Even the whole police and prison system changed. Police dont arrest people now unless it is truly a heinous offense for true public safety. Public safety is served by them patrolling industry to inspect environmental violations and the title COPs really means their mission is Community Oriented Police and people dont fear them. Jails are centers to educate, medicate, house, and employ offenders not for private owners profits but to serve the public allowing continued employment continuity upon release with subsidized housing and spending keeping them at work to serve clean up missions of the earth. Thats an investment not a waste. That is optimization of resources! The same happened with the military. No more wars! Now we use all forces and tax dollars to perform oceans sweeps of trash and purification processes. No more off shore drilling thank God! The military shut down companies invading the ocean protecting the ocean and not the company from the reporters trying to investigate their matricidal behaviors. And gangs! Those 2nd and 3rd generations subcultures that grew as families fell apart under the old inflated economic system where the kids had nothing to aspire for as schools shut down all their programs. The kids that just wanted to belong to something greater than an empty house with no available living parent. The kid looking for love and meaningful roles and prestige that schools, arts, education, and sports once offered! Amazingly, the billionaires began endowments for socratic learning centers to teach youth Platos ontology of beingness awareness where kids self defined not as sentient beings who exist just for the pursuit of The white picket fence end goal but to live enjoying the journey nurturing mother earth. Even more amazing, while money was around still, I became one of those billionaires until we achieved a system of tables of equivalencies or meaningful commodity exchanges as diminishing resources made stock values completely irrelevant. Yet, once we abandoned the fiat monetization system, ironically, it was like everyone was a billionaire. We werent living in scarcity, fear, or hatred anymore. Even the old trillionaires were happier. Especially since there was no more class warfare or threat of revolution. I guess they all liked the table of equivalencies for services rendered versus returns of sustainable meaningful existence between humans and nature better since the world was now so unpolluted and healthier. Robots were made that cleaned up nuclear waste too. Drones changed roles from dropping bombs to dropping volcanic rock as zeolite absorbent to cover all of Fukushimas landscape before the rain water and storage tanks could spill into the ocean more. Energy was made free like Nicola Tesla tried to tell us at the beginning of the last centurys industrialization boom. Another breed of executive was born during the decade that made the difference! They had pioneer courage combining entrepreneurs, advocates from Zeitgeist, the Venus project, RBE, politicians, artists, musicians, and commoners to begin the evolutionary journey. People stopped their routine business as usual lives and volunteered their time, money, but most importantly love as in truthful care and made time to become interns going to centers to study optimization plans. The surest way to gain control is to debauch a currency system was an old totalitarian statement. I cant remember who said that but I think it was Joseph Stalin. I bet he never thought it would have turned out like this. And I bet today George Washington our first president is happy to see we endured beyond nationalism he led the revolution for but a world of peaceful and clean prosperity without the unfunded paper money he detested. I guess I will plant an olive tree this spring! Isnt it amazing Israel and Palestine now plant and harvest trees in peace!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:24:39 +0000

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