Well the person at the door is the good old - TopicsExpress


Well the person at the door is the good old ........................Plague doctor For the folk who might not have been following Magic Onion for so long may not know who or what the Plague doctor is........ So, on first appearance he appears to be a character from a horror film.....well he isnt and he really did exist in Europe many hundreds of years ago..... First showing up in the later middle ages and then across the 16 and 17th centuries during various outbreaks of the Bubonic/Pneumonic Plague or the more common name of black death...... He was actually a good guy and in the forefront of fighting the plague......Although their role of assisting the plague victims with various poisons to put them out of their misery has given them a bad name....who really knows what went on in these times........some would have been decent folk and some most definitely not...... Now what he is doing visiting the Apothecary who doesnt have the plague is known only to me and has to be kept for my book... (cant tell you everything :) ) but of course you are free to make your own assumptions etc.... but bear in mind I quite often employ a twist to a tale..... Here are a couple of links for the folk who might want to learn a bit more about the Plague doctor..... https://youtube/watch?v=YHNyo-IF3-8 (This first video isnt quite historically correct as the doctors bird like beak did not really make its first appearance until the 1630s or so.....off the top of my head, so please dont quote me here, rather check it out for yourself to be sure.....) This shows the plague doctors role really well and is quite good....maybe a bit gory for some folk, but these were real times and did happen..... On a topical note..... think about the Ebola outbreak going on right now and the folk fighting it.... these are todays modern Plague doctors..... The second video, I have shown before and just love it for its great sense of atmosphere and the brilliant music..... this is more like the environment my Apothecary would be used to.... For the new folk to my page... my own Apothecary character will be set somewhere around the dates 1550 to 1650 and in North Western Europe. I am still toying with the dates.... So not to be confused with earlier Medieval times, but post medieval , although poorer folk and village folk would have still looked like their medieval cousins in dress sense etc.... Some massive improvements had occurred of course , but these among the more wealthy folk.... better and stylish clothes, shoes.....many things...... but for me the village folk are the most interesting and my Apothecary lives among them...... Bare in mind..... My book is fiction, with a good deal of historical fact thrown in too.... but emphasis on fiction..... https://youtube/watch?v=SPY-hr-8-M0 Enjoy the videos.... These videos are not my work and I thank the owners of such for making them available on You tube and recognise their contributions to making such great works.... OH! and by the way this painting may or may not be the end of this tiny series, I am toying with adding another one to it, so changing the ending of what you see in front of you today :) Thanks to all...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:44:27 +0000

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