Well yesterday was the start of another Mercury retrograde period - TopicsExpress


Well yesterday was the start of another Mercury retrograde period or basically 3 weeks of huh, what? When the planet of Communication backtracks, gadgets get wonky, cars act funny, we get absentminded, mail gets sent back, misunderstandings abound and old friends pop up outa the blue, etc etc… It doesnt help that Mercury is in moody Cancer making us take things personally. Good news is that its perfect for reconnecting with old pals and family and cleaning out the clutter (and the gutters) at home and in your psyche. Well be feeling introspective one minute and sentimental the next so allow yourself some quiet time to meditate and then crack open the old photo album and call an old friend. When Mercury is retro, our focus becomes intrinsic rather than what glitters in the outside world. So this is a great time to separate the wheat from the chaff from those junk drawers along with any unrealistic expectations in your head. Old projects will get another go and lost items will pop up. Whatever you do though, try to hold off on the big ticket items until July (Car, phone, house and so on) because there could be unforeseen problems and you might end up with a lemon. Just dont sign anything major till July but if you must, hold onto that receipt, get a warranty and put them both under lock and key. Do read the fine print. Late Friday the Moon entered fair Libra which blended well with the Sun in Gemini but added to the mental confusion as it joined angry Mars and clashed with Mercury, then Pluto, then Uranus. Today (Sunday) is much more peaceful (Libras specialty) now that the Moon is out of the firing line and even a negative aspect to jovial Jupiter actually helps us to laugh at our foibles. There are still obstacles as The Sun and Saturn conflict today but a lovely aspect from huggable Venus in Taurus to Pluto in Capreeshicorn, will help us push through to the heart of the matter. It will also infuse us with a renewed zest for life and maybe some sparks in the love department as somebody catches our eye. Since Mercury retrograde messes with our perceptions, I thought this vid would be fitting. Heres Libra Tom Petty.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 21:49:08 +0000

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