Weve got a couple of user reviews on IMDB. imdb/title/tt3208984/ - TopicsExpress


Weve got a couple of user reviews on IMDB. imdb/title/tt3208984/ Go review it if youve seen it, and give it a rating. Or at least give it a rating! Please! Review #1 from Alisia Downing This short has a very thoughtful creator. It was one of the most creative pursuits to describe something that plagues a number of us. Every event that occurred was vivid. The script accurately depicted the feeling and suffering one would describe while going through such events. An audience could definitely relate to the main character and although the antagonist is very familiar, the way the character is represented makes for a very sinister feel. A feel that Im sure would be present in anyones description of such suffering. The transition from one scene to the next may have felt a bit disjointed, but not enough to distract from the overall movie. Well thought out. Well done. The audience will have sympathy pains! Review #2 from Chan Walrus The film is shot very well, and the concept is in itself well designed and brilliant. There were so many little sections within the film which worked well, mainly talking about the use of the cameras focus and the way the scenes were set up. Early on in the piece I noticed some fantastic blocking in the piece. As far as independent shorts go, it was a very good piece and I would highly recommend it on the grounds that its very well shot and there has clearly been a lot of effort gone into the preparation for the making of the film. Its not a perfect piece, I dont think theres ever been a perfect independent film, certainly not a perfect Hollywood movie, however its a very good example of the best side of independent film making, all brought to you in a small well wrapped package. In regards to the plot, I had very little idea what was going on, all I knew was that it was visually a very good piece to watch, and I would recommend it. Thanks guys!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 04:01:01 +0000

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