What complete load of crap. If anything about the superiority of - TopicsExpress


What complete load of crap. If anything about the superiority of Scandanavia were true, Silhouette Man would be written in Finnish. IF YOU QUALIFY... you get to go to school at the taxpayers expense. If you dont, you dont. A system of the privileged in education. NOBODY is forced to enter colleges or universities here in the United States. Only the most prestigious schools charge enough to require loans amounting to an annual salary for most people, and one can do just wonderfully almost anywhere, from any university or college for things that they cant learn at home on their own, in the field, or at a business. Student loan interest rates are so low that people who rack up loans arent worried because they have no incentive to pay them back. And thats even really the problem in terms of debt. The Huffpo article: huffingtonpost/2011/07/29/john-boehner-for-profit-colleges_n_909589.html amount to ballooning debt as a function of ballooning enrollment. Another lie by the Huffington rag. . EVERYBODY has access to the same set of information here in the United States by way of free public libraries, internet and other forms of communication. If you want a formal education, you can enroll and with a minimum of prestige or qualifications, and you are welcome to pay for it yourself or have your parents or work pay for it. If you dont want a formal education, and can find an equitable form of education on your own in the marketplace, you are free to do just that. Many of those people are more affluent, more quickly than those that go to a formal four year college. Meantime, the most popular name for infants in Denmark is...Mohammad. Quite the Pyrrhic victory youve got going there in that education system Scandanavia (what the region used to be called before the PC Police started referring to it as the Nordic countries. Youre going to breed yourselves into oblivion. And guess what... its all according to plan, dumbasses. The government SHOULD spend way more on incarceration than education. Education is a net asset in the long run, for the money individuals put into it. Educated people dont require constant maintenance and isolation from the general populace. Criminals do. Not only is the money spent to isolate criminals from law-abiding citizens, its spent because as a society we demand that wards of the state are not treated cruelly and usually, and brutally, like many other places. The article cited in this section is a hit piece from the NAACP on how SOME CITIES spend more on incarceration than GRADE SCHOOL public education in those cities. naacp.org/pages/misplaced-priorities Those 100s of technical schools precisely because theres a market for them. They arent government-run. They have to provide what they promise, or they fold. The United States spend far more on its military than the next 14 countries combined. Here you go, their own citation, from a pdf at: sipri.org/research/armaments/milex/resultoutput/milex_15/the-15-countries-with-the-highest-military-expenditure-in-2011-table/view MILITARY EXPENDITURE 1 Table 4.2. The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2011 Rank 2011 Spent Change Share GDP% World Spending (2010) Country ($B) 02–11% in 2011 in 2002 share% ($ b., PPP) 1 (1) USA 711 59 4.7 3.4 41 711 2 (2) China [143] 170 [2.0] [2.2] [8.2] [228] 3 (5) Russia [71.9] 79 [3.9] [4.5] [4.1] [93.7] 4 (3) UK 62.7 18 2.6 2.5 3.6 57.5 5 (4) France 62.5 -0.6 2.3 2.5 3.6 50.1 6 (6) Japan 59.3 –2.5 1.0 1.0 3.4 44.7 7 (9) India 48.9 66 2.6 2.9 2.8 117 8 (7) Saudi 48.5 90 8.7 9.8 2.8 58.8 9 (8) Germ [46.7] –3.7 [1.3] 1.5 [2.7] [40.4] 10 (11) Brazil 35.4 19 1.5 1.9 2.0 33.8 11 (10) Italy [34.5] –21 [1.6] 2.0 [2.0] [28.5] 12 (12) SKorea 30.8 45 2.7 2.4 1.8 42.1 13 (13) Austral 26.7 37 1.8 1.9 1.5 16.6 14 (14) Canada [24.7] 53 [1.4] 1.2 [1.4] [19.9] 15 (15) Turkey [17.9] –12 [2.3] 3.9 [1.0] [25.2] We spend less than 5 percent of our GDP on the military. The rest of these countries spend about 2.5% of their GDP on their own military give or take a percent. Many of those countries can spend less because they benefit under the aegis of the USA. And that was a table from 2011, the year the WTC was attacked. What a weak, sad argument that we spend too much on things that protect our own, and often the rest of the world, money somebody is claiming we should spend on a forced, phony universal socialized system of education. What a bunch of liars. Who writes this stuff? Glad you asked: tickld/user/Iamasdaman owsposters.tumblr/post/25869010098/silhouette-man-wonders-wtf-is-wrong-with An anonymous coward working for anonymous cowards working for Occupy Wall Street. And there scores of such posters filled with half-truths and phony statistics. Someones agit-propping out there for a free ride, at the expense of everyone else, especially you. Democratic Socialists, people who use other people to get what they want with a minimum of effort. Im not interested in people telling me whats what from the shadows. Socialized, government-run education, like everything else socialist and government-run, fails miserably and generationally. Talk about a lost generation. A generation of liars. So heres the question you should be asking yourself, because the answer is irrelevant to me... the outcome is the same. If you believe and propagate this stuff without calling it out for what it is, are you a useful idiot or are you down for the cause?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:32:12 +0000

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